Ꮯᴏᴏʟ ͲᎻϴႮᏀᎻͲˢ &ᴊᴏᴋᴇ🚶🏽💦™

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The challenge 🙂
It's a tongue twister

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peepers.
Did Peter piper pick a peck of pickled peepers?
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peepers, where's the peck of pickled peepers peter Piper picked?"

ጠርጣሪውተጠርጣሪውን ስለጠረጠረው ተጠርጣሪው በመጠርጠሩ ተጠራጥሮ ጠርጣሪውን ጠረጠረው


Good bruh😂

Teacher: If Mary and Juana are from the same parents, what will you call them?
ME: Marijuana
Teacher:Get out!!!

You never know how long your words will stay in someone's mind even long after you've forgotten you spoke them.


sometimes keeping distance from everything is the better way to get comfort ..


.•Be disciplined about what you respond and react to. Not everything or everyone deserves your time, energy, and attention. Stay in your light.

ዘፈን እያዳመጥክ in your mind የራስህን video ትሰራለክ 🚶🏽‍♂️

Her: delete my number😅

me: i was never saved😎

No one :

Google translate:

2 AM:

Someone is chatting to create memories.

Someone is trying to delete memories.🥀

እኛ ቤት በአልን #Shuan_the_sheap በማየት ነው ያሳለፍነው....

#ዶሮም_በግም_ፊልሙ_ላይ_ስላለ 😂😅


When a baby falls down

White parents:oh ma lil baby are u ok
Habsha parent:አትዩት ያለቅሳል

Imagine መጣው ብሎ አስቁሞሽ ሽንቱን የሚሸና ልጅ ልብሽን ሲሰብረው🙄

You are the reason the
sun shines,
You are the reason the
stars glint,

You are the reason the
moon visits the sky,
You are the reason of
the existence of;

thing 🔕

የ ልብ ስብራት ማለት አዲስ የ ቻይና fast charger 400 ብር ገዝተህ,ስልክህ 20% ሆኖ ሰክተኸዉ አይን እያየ 19% ሲሆን ነዉ!!😭😭😭


That የጥናት ሠዕት እሚመጣው እንቅልፍ is another level😴


White people: You should see a doctor

Habeshas: ቡዳ ነው

Her: ከፍቶኛል
me: ማን አባቱ ነዉ የከፈተሽ?

Then we broke up 🤨

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