Cosplayer Zone.

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A menfess base for Cosplayers.
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Merry Christmas! May this meaningful day bring peace and joy into your life. Let the love and hope of Christmas embrace your heart, providing renewed strength to face the days ahead with enthusiasm.

Amid the togetherness and warmth of Christmas, may you always be surrounded by your loved ones and blessed with immeasurable happiness. Celebrate with gratitude and turn this moment into a cherished, unforgettable memory. Wishing you a wonderful celebration! 🎄🎁✨

time is up, coserss! terima kasih banyakk sudahh nemenin #Onji open mwaa mwa ~aku minta maaf kalo ada menfess kalian yang ga terkirim, itu tanda nya gaa sesuai rules yaa coserss! 👊🏻 jangan lupa mampir @BukanCoser & @Muntual yaa, camat beristirahat 🤍

#Allies hey cosers ayo moots igek sama senderr, suka jbjb boleh banget!

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#cosu hem hyuna wigtest >

yayayayaya betuel, cepat pakai sebwlum pulici uyii stalking akun kalian satu ppersatu 👹👹

#GUYIE. Mau ngegangguin Onji ngeshift sih ini :v hehehe

#GUYIE. hahahahhaha guyie akan muncul kehadapan kalian yang kalau kalian enggga pake PENANDA AKUN di bio kalian 😈😈😈😈 *pls pake penanda akun sebelum di warn and ANAK RP tolonk jangan nimb sini... jelaz sekali kita beda dunia~

#allies hai haii!! mutualan ig with this newbie coser yuk? ill reply asap!

#Cosu. 🥱😴

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#comrades haaii, aku lagi nyari teman buat nge event bareng kapan aja dan dimana aja, anw aku dom jkt ya (^v^) mau sekalian moots ig juga bolee

#allies mutualan ig cosplay sama sender yuk? i still minor & newbie. lat if you don’t mind about that ♥️!


Sender minta saran dong ... kan temen sender pinjam costume punya aku, kebetulan aku ada rental dan aku gratiskan ya ... terus dia ngasih tau kalo kostumnya malah dicuci di mesin sama ibunya, pas balikin ke aku kostumnya ada yang rusak gitu 😢
Tetep dendain untuk repair nda ya :(?

#Cosu mau nanya, ada yang tau tempat rentalan yang nyediain costum leon s kennedy? yg udh bantu jawab, thankyou

#allies malam cosers! be moots on insta with this raiden? esp if you live near kediri.
tapi aku belum begitu aktif yaa so, if you don't mind, please leave a trace 🙆🏻‍♀

#Cosu cosplay ellen joe atau furina dulu ya?

#Allies MALAM COSER COSER TERSAYANG, let's be moots ig!! Aku hit semuanya 😋😋

342 0 1 28 15

#cosu! brand costume yang bagus puollll except delusional 1/3 & wudu up apa yaaa?

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