🆕 New Payment Methods in the
💠 P2P Market for receiving and sending payments in RUB, UAH, KZT, and other currencies.
We've added
🔥 12 new banks as payment methods for
RUB: Ingosstrakh Bank, Bank Zenit, Energobank, Russian Standard Bank, Norvik Bank, Energotransbank, Tsifra Bank, UBRD, Fora-Bank, DOM RF Bank, Moscow Credit Bank, and Avangard Bank.
For receiving payments in
UAH, we've added NovaPay, FreeBank, O.Bank, Akordbank, UnexBank, Vostok Bank, and Tascombank.
KZT, we've added Bank RBK and Freedom Bank Kazakhstan; for
UZS – Xalq Banki and Orient Finans Bank; for
BYN – MTBank and T-Bank; E-Rupee for
INR; and EmiratesNBD for
Sellers and buyers can start using these payment methods in their listings. To do this, go to
P2P →
Payment and Currency →
Payment Methods.