[πππππππ πππππππππππππ] THE TRIUMPH OF THE TRUTH Your introduction
(A LAST APPEAL TO REASON BY THE IMPARTIAL TRUTH) Here lie the accounts of Adolf Hitler's pleas to the world during the largest bloodshed in mankind's history, World War 2. Adolf Hitler's most poignant orations which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear. Visit the voices of the past to bear witness their side of history. The unaltered Adolf Hitler, who tried incessantly to avoid the senseless war and its continuation. Star contrast to what the Western Allies and their pet Communist regime in the East had in plans for Europe and the rest of the world. They said Adolf Hitler was a warmonger who wanted to rule the world and subjugate all non-Germanic people. They lied.
HELLSTROM GENOCIDE OF NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMANY. A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.
THE ULTIMATE RED PILL DOCUMENTARY REMASTEREDTo find out where we are, we need to go back in time to realise that the Jew bankers took over Germany, the German Bank, the Bank of England and impoverished the world with their debt-slave system to destroy the world and force people to pay them in reparations for their right to work. These Marxists (Jews) have enslaved humanity and have caused the most destruction in the history of the world. People should be living a fulfilling life of abundance but they have been weakened and are forced to fight for food, freedom, human rights, work, and everyday they work to overcome the deep hole of poverty and starvation all orchestrated by the Jews who have overtaken the world with ZOGs (Zionist Occupational Governments) and have infiltrated every level of society. The Jews are using the Blacks as their fighters and the Chinese as their slaves to impose their communism on the world.
THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD BY DENNIS WISE. Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau, one man who will change the history of the world forever. It follows his childhood to the death of his mother and his broken ambition to become an artist, then further to his entry into politics. His service in the army, accolades, his writing Mein Kampf, politics and most importantly Germany's revival are well explained followed by WW2. It also covers the effect on Germany's after the WW2 defeat up until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
NEW WORLD ORDER COMMUNISM BY THE BACKDOOR BY DENNIS WISE. this sensational documentary by Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.
(Full Documentary - 1992) David Cole visits Auschwitz posing as a believer to discredit the official narrative about the concentration camp.
THE SECRET MASONIC VICTORY OF WW2 Documentary by Dennis Wise -- 5hrs 30mins
Western Freemasonry and their Masonic funded Eastern Communist friends won World War 2. Everything we see today stems from that Jewish Masonic victory. All Freemasons in politics know the aim is a one world communist utopia. All policies today aid the minorities aimed at breaking down the family, the very basis of white culture. Adolf knew who was behind it and now so do you.
THE TRUTH ABOUT DR JOSEPH MENGELE. a look into the 3rd reich doctor joseph Mengele
AUSCHWITZ THE SURPRISING HIDDEN TRUTHAuschwitzβthis is the infamous wartime camp in Poland. This video looks into some of the common claims made by survivors about what happened at Auschwitz.
AUSCHWITZ CAMP SURVIVORS TELL THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT THE CAMP.The eye witness accounts form Survivors at auschwitz who have a different story to tell.