Zoomer historian tries to imply that Hitler was not a Nordicist in this video:
https://youtu.be/R9HaBrPxrXg But contrary to the claims made in the video, Hitler was a Nordicist.
Let's see what Hitler himself thought on this subject.
"Today our people are still suffering from this inner division, but what brought us misfortune in the past and present can be our blessing for the future. For detrimental as it was on the one hand that a complete blending of our original racial components did not take place and that the formation of a unified national body was thus prevented, it was equally fortunate on the other hand that in this way at least a part of our best blood was preserved pure and escaped racial degeneration. Assuredly if there had been a complete blending of our original racial elements, a unified national body would have arisen; however as every racial crossing proves, it would have been endowed with a smaller cultural capacity than the highest of the original components. This is the blessing of the absence of complete blending: that today in our German national body we still possess great unmixed stocks of
NORDIC Germanic people whom we may consider the MOST PRECIOUS TREASURE for our future." ~ Mein Kampf
In the above passage from Mein Kampf, Hitler says the "Nordic Germanic people" are the "most precious treasure", not any German but the "Nordic German".
In one of his speeches, Hitler even said that anything other than Nordic was "ape dance".
"Humanity owes everything great to struggle and to one race which has triumphed. Take away the Nordic German and all that remains is
~ Adolf Hitler, speech on April 2, 1927
“Der Nationalsozialismus als Weltanschauung, der Marxismus ein Wahnsinn!” April 2, 1927, in Hitler: Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen
In another of his speeches, Hitler even says it was the Nords who migrated from northern parts of Europe to places like Greece and Egypt and founded civilization in those places.
Yes, Hitler is "we wuzing" here; he thought the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc. were all Nordics.
"the deeply inner life of the soul has given these Nordic races the possibility of moving over the rest of the world in a state-forming way. Even if this power could not be expressed in this far north, it became capable of taking effect at the moment when the ice fetters sank and man
moved down to the south into a favourable, happy free nature. We know that all these people had one sign in common: the sign of the sun. All their cults are based on light and they find the sign, the tool of fire production, the whisk, the Swastika. You will find this cross as a Swastika [sic!] not only here, but also carved into the temple posts in
India and
Japan. It is the hoe cross of the communities once founded by Aryan culture. Now these races, which we call Aryans, were in reality the originators of all the later great cultures which we can still trace in history. We know that Egypt was brought to its cultural height by Aryan immigrants, as was Persia, Greece;
the immigrants were blond, blue-eyed Aryans and we know that apart from these states no cultural states at all were founded on this earth. Mixed races may have developed between the black, dark-eyed, dark-coloured southern race and the immigrating northern races, but no independent great creative cultural states developed. Why then did the Aryan alone possess this power to form states? It lies almost exclusively in his conception of the term labour."
~ Adolf Hitler, speech on August 13, 1920.
(“Hitlers ‘gründlegende’ Rede über den Antisemitismus” in Viertelsjahrshäfte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrgang 1968, 4. Heft, Oktober, pp. 400–420; SA, pp. 191–192 (document 136).)
The same thoughts of Hitler can also be found in other sources such as Table Talks.
So to say "blonde hair and blue eyes" is a myth is completely fallacious and just demonstrates that Zoomer historian is uneducated on this subject.
For more info refer:
Hitler’s Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress