DOR ?? KAGET !?!

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Forward from: chenle

@csenle @csenle ◡̈
@csenle @csenle ◡̈

✦ ganti huruf 'h' jadi 's'
✦ start from 15k, kb 2k
✦ free jumpbid
✦ start offer 21 juni 2021, close offer 25 juni 2021, 19:00 WIB
✦ no hit and run
✦ offer? siap membeli
✦ payment only shopeepay, gopay, dana
✦ drop your best offer on comment section

Forward from: ꢸ . 𝐖ɑ𝗋ꭎ𝗇ꬶ 𝐂ɑ𝗇𝖽ɑ͛ ꪶ
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[[ For all my BA's mutuals or whoever reads this, kindly help to spread this message to your channel. Thanks a lot. ]]

𝓼𝓼𝓾𝓹! 𝐖ɑ𝗋ꭎ𝗇ꬶ 𝐂ɑ𝗇𝖽ɑ͛ akhirnya dibuka! kami hadir untuk menyediakan segala kebutuhan anda dengan harga murah dan pelayanan terbaik, jajanan yang tentunya sangat menarik. kindly check this first!


untuk lebih mudah bisa langsung pada kontak yang sudah disediakan @babuwarcanbot , akan kami tunggu pesanan mu !

Forward from: namjoon
Want to sell this username based on Namjoon (from BTS):


• Penggantian huruf (n) > (q)
• Start offer from 10k, KB 2k.
• Free jumpid
• Payment methods; dana , spay , ovo , gopay
• Close offer 26 Juni 2021 pukul 21.00 WIB.
• Drop your best offer through @Namjooq ‘s comment section or for Tele X users.

Forward from: ' 𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐄 '
[For mutual BA or anyone who has seen this message can we ask for help to share this on your channel? Your help will be meaningful to us, thank you! 🤍]

Selamat siang, Afectors! It's only been a few days since we last closed, but I feel like it's been a long time. Ah, it must be because I always think about and miss you. Let's have fun in an affectionate way with our stunning talents. Langsung aja cek regulasi dan kirim form jangan salah sambung, ke @AfectoBot. Kecuali jika ada kendala, pertanyaan, atau bot tidak dibalas langsung aja ke @AfectoOfc

FYI, bisa family rent juga. Lalu kalau misal diprofil talent nya talent tersebut nggak provide payment yang kamu mau, bisa ditanyain dulu ke bot kok. Contoh, kamu mau rent Hengkara dan kamu cuma bisa payment pakai Qris, sedangkan diprofil talent Hengkara gak provide Qris. Kamu bisa tanyain dulu aja ke bot. Paham, kan? Paham lah ya pasti.


Forward from: kvrx archive
halo, sorry ganggu
ada yang butuh jasa upsubs?
bisa ke @farrell00 tadi saya gasengaja liat pm dia, butuh biaya tambahan 50k lagi buat biaya masuk sekolahnya, testi dia bisa liat di @testiefarrel ch saya yang satunya juga otw masa upsubs sama dia, mungkin yang ada rezeki lebih boleh bantu dia? dia butuh sedikit dari kita yang mau nyumbang, yu relain sedikit aja buat dia biar bisa lanjut sekolah !

Forward from: frenjon
@UuangRenjun @HuangInjoonc ufs under 30. @NlJaemin ufs under 40 ke @Narenh_bot

Forward from: Ophieble : 28 june at 12.00!
[For all my ba mutual or anyone who seeing this message, can u help me spread this message to ur channel. Thank u in advance!

Finnaly @ophieble open for the first time! @ophieble will officialy open on 28 june 2021, at 12.00 wib. We provide some beautiful items. Prepare for ur money! So what r u waiting again?

Before ordering dont forget to read tnc first. Go prepare ur form!

hahahah 😁👍

ku tertipu


dapet @jenoo

minjoo sold

Forward from: 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐚
[ help fw moots, thank you ! ]

Halo jdi tentang ch @tutornipu di ch ini sempet spill nomor dana, yaitu 083183112713, itu nomor dipakai buat nipu sama yg punya ch, jadi tolong nomornya jangan di bekuin atau sebagainya, karena itu nomor kak qisya, dan tersambung ke WhatsApp dia,


Forward from: キャンディー
[moots help fw please?]
@Atnsumu and @Akdaashi is up for sale with fix price until 23 june. kindly chat @kimyeeribot if u're interested

Forward from: EID FITRI
Oh iya, baca @tutorantiketipu untuk antisipasi di masa mendatang

Forward from: Petites Land, OPEN!
[to all my beloved bussines mutuals, or anyone who see this, can you help me forward and spread this? thank you so much!]

Finally, @PetitesLandeu is open for our 2nd batch tomorrow! There are so many catalogue that will beautify your account set up! We will open our 2nd batch on Monday, 21 June at 12.00 PM

If you're interested to shopping at our store, kindly check our TnC first and chat our bot. Thank you!

Forward from: Studio Ghibli.
Kalau bingung mau reportnya pake apa, ke other terus tulis inj ya temen temenn.
Melanggar Pasal 164 dan Pasal 165 KUHP atas dasar tindakan kejahatan berencana dan pelanggaran Pasal 55 KUHP dalam bentuk mengajak, membujuk dan memanipulasi seseorang untuk melakukan tindakan kriminal.

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