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See you world

The biggest mistake is not being able to forget and not being able to forgive someone in the past, but we already have someone new to replace it. However, fate says otherwise, you have to forget it for your own good in the future.

believe in God, whatever is impossible will come true.

hbd to me, hope my life will be extended.

Maybe this is all that love is. The stray eyelash plucked so softly off their cheek, collars adjusted mid-sentence, the ladle passing back and forth as the sauce simmers (and how you blow it gently before they taste and still - 'it's hot, careful' - and then - 'more salt? more ginger? five more minutes? yes, five more minutes') and voices humming in the next room, happily distracted, and no one there to hear it, to know about it, but you and you listen, stopped in the middle of whatever you were doing, to listen without saying anything, without walking in because it is a moment entirely theirs, not for anything but listening to, knowing that your place is to just be there, to hold that moment, because it is a gift beyond words that you're lucky enough to be there to hear it, until the humming stops, and the world comes back and all you can do is go back to your task, aware suddenly of how delicate, how fragile all of it is.


𝗜. Make an effort to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want: The mistake we tend to make when faced with a problem is to think about it and talk about it all the time - instead of focusing our thoughts on what we want it to be.

𝗜𝗜. Realize that every problem comes with a lesson: There are lessons to be learned from everything that happens to us. We can be better people - even when things go wrong.

𝗜𝗜𝗜. Don't believe everything you think: Our problem is not in trying our dreams. Don't believe all those negative and self-defeating thoughts.

𝗜𝗩. Choose to be grateful in everything: While it's hard to be grateful when things go wrong, we can usually find something we can be grateful for - and the more we choose gratitude, the more we feel.

𝗩. Let go of your need for perfection: If you try to be perfect in everything you are, you will always feel like a failure, and you will live with constant stress. do your best because perfection is a realistic goal.

𝗩𝗜. Let Go of You: Accept things as they are you don't always have to change them. Life is not to be a struggle, or a constant battleground.

𝗩𝗜𝗜. Try to be present in everything you do: When you give yourself completely to live in the moment, you will find that life is easier - and you feel much more relaxed.

pembersihan tros



No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride.


No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.

ch ini rest ya Tuhan, di baca dong put dn, jgn pura² ga liat mata nya

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akhir" ini kyanya gue liat pada nge unsubs pake web yak? moots w yang lain juga pda begitu, di unsubs pake web. pls lah ya klo lo nggak niat an ada sfs an ydh nggak usah sfs an bisa? mana nge unsubs pake web. "jangan curang" jan curang pala lo botak. klo gini yang untung lo doang anjr. ada juga yang nge unsubs tiba" trus pas di datengin di rc malah di block, maneh sehat?? yang nama nya SFS ya SUBSCRIBE FOR SUBSCRIBE. SFS itu dimana" MENGUNTUNGKAN KEDUA BELAH PIHAK bukan cuma SATU PIHAK SAJA YANG DI UNTUNGKAN. klo masih ada yg begini gsh sfs an lagi dah, gedeg. apalagi yang ENGGAK NGASIH FEEDBACK SAMA SEKALI. jauh jauh lo, balik lagi ke atas itu. SFS MENGUNTUNGKAN KEDUA BELAH PIHAK BUKAN HANYA SATU PIHAK SAJA YANG DI UNTUNGKAN!!!! terus yang sfs main acc tapi malah pake side acc ckckck lawak lo👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

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apa apa kalau ch ga up / actv bbrp jam lo unsubs, aneh & freak, acc yg di jadiin nokos jg, kalau emang lo niat sfs ya niat, kalau ga rela tu nokos jd acc sfs, ya ga usah di jadiin acc sfs dari awal, simpen buat diri lo sendiri, ngerugiin banyak orang lo begitu, spesies lo itu udh nyusahin

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