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⚠️ CW // LGBTQ+, Harshwords, NSFW. feel free unsubs if you’re not comfortable with my channel.
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Sekali lagi, channel ini free unsubs.

Buat siapapun kalian yang pernah ngeliat ada yang makai display name "Jeana Georgville" atau ada yang ngaku-ngaku ke kalian kalau dia pernah pakai username @Kimjefnie itu bukan aku, please? Aku udah leaving dari beberapa bulan lalu dan gapunya account second lagi kecuali personal, be smart yaa.


Free unsubs yaa, moots! 👋🏻

Hello Beautiful Souls, this is Jeana speaking. I think it's a good time for me to leave this Roleplayer world. It's time for me to focus on where i should be, being here is really something amazing, lots of things, happiness, lessons, and also memories that i can get. To all of you, my family, my friends or those who have ever known me thank you very much. I'm very lucky to get to know you, you guys are very important to me. Sorry for all my mistakes. Thank you for being a part of my life story, i will never forget it and i will always remember that i was ever here. Thank you very much and goodbye, see you on top! ♡

Mulu mulu mulu

Dejavu terus

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👀 Jani

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Tolong tegur @OFCTA43HYUNG dia sudah plagiatin banyak orang termasuk saya. Dari ava, bio, dn sampai channelnya semua isinya punya orang termasuk saya [ @taelhyungj ], sudah ditegur beberapa kali tetap saja, semua akun saya sudah dia block. Bisa dilihat semua wording dalam channelnya copycat dari channel saya [ @taelhyungj ] , bantu tegur moots biar dia kapok plagiatin orang lagi, kasian orang yang susah² bikin wording, ngedit pict, eh dia seenaknya ngambil, bikin wording itu ga gampang, udah cape mikir cape ngetik. Thankyou.

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📝 Hello precious soul, i'm here to looking for new mutuals. If you want to sfs main account with @KiemJlennie, kindly drop your ID here.
But make sure you're not grammar police, rprl area, admin upsubs or side acc, rarely diving and harshwordsphob? Please DNI.

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