ENHIVES: Tonight at 8 PM.

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others are destroyed by discontent and the passage of time. true love and vice versa discovered that they could assist each other in surviving certain circumstances.
ㅤㅤstatus: asap
ㅤㅤorder: @.enhivesbot
ㅤㅤmutuals: @enhivesrobot
ㅤㅤarchive: @enhivess

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envisss, kalian tim mana nih?
  •   tim udah isi format & siap berperang
  •   tim hura hore aja
  •   tim pasrah dengan keadaan
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Forward from: ENHIVES: Tonight at 8 PM.
✦ about client
name & username:
pet name request:
account type:
position & role: dominant, submissive, switch, little sister, brother, etc.
description: (about client such as like things, unlike things, and client’s characteristic)
payment: honest review

✦ about talent
talent’s name:
avatar request:
criteria details: (must be filled)
do & don’ts:
relationship pair: BxG, GxB, BxB, GxG, BxNB, GxNB, family as (...), friend, etc.
position & role: dominant, submissive, switch, little sister, brother, etc

✦ rent package: -
✦ typing: formal/non-formal/semi-formal, aku-kamu/saya-kamu/gue-lo/gua-lu/etc.
✦ language: Indonesia/English/bilingual (...% ina, ...% eng)
✦ auxiliary requests: (2 at maximum)
✦ rent time duration:
✦ start rent: saturday, april 16th at 08.00 wib.
✦ notes:

Forward from: ENHIVES: Tonight at 8 PM.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ modus operandi

ㅤ• read and obey our foremost rules.
ㅤ• the purpose of this free rent is to assess the performance of our talents as well as to demonstrate the effort that our talents put in for Envis.
ㅤ• war slot system. talent profiles will be posted every 5 minutes; after that, Envis will be able to submit the format.
ㅤ• additional requests are permitted for as long as they are required, but the maximum number of additional requests permitted is 2. additional requests that are not permitted will be listed in each talent profile.
ㅤ• not intended for Envis, who receives a free rent slot to ghost our talent; if caught, they will be permanently barred.
ㅤ• use your main account and fill out the form as completely as possible. If your account appears suspicious and you do not fill out the form clearly, your chances of getting a free rent slot are very slim, if not non-existent.
ㅤ• it is strictly prohibited for anyone to resubmit the format using a clone account after receiving a free rent slot.
ㅤ• when the rental period is up, talent and clients must remind each other and send an honest review to @enhirebot.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤ [read indonesian version here]

kalau masih bingung tentang trainee yang mau dipinang tapi boardnya keburu tutup, boleh tanya langsung lewat @enhirebot yaa, envis.

👤 softdom yang bisa babying gitu siapa ya kira-kiraa?

👤 not gonna asking about this event but MAU TEMENAN DONG sama Dianaaa😋😋

LUCUNYAAA. mau temenan sama envis juga dong, feel free to text me (@aureeola/@faerieo) yeaahhh

👤 halo, ada talent yang mommy able gak sih

ADA DONGGGG, chavla ojou-sama. 🥰

👤 Nanti kalau dapet slot dibales ngga? terus kalau ga dapet boleh warslot caltal lain?

dibaless, tapi nanti aku balesnya random. bisa jadi stiker, emoji, atau teks gitu. makanya gak aku cantumin ke tnc free rent kalau dapet slot dibales apa. 😂

kalau gak dapet slot, boleh kirim format lagi yaa. tenang, botnya ngga terhubung ke grup trainee, aku (diana) doang yang pegang. semangat war slot!1!1!1!1

👤 HI sorry nanyaaa lagi, auxiliary requests ituuu tergantung sama capability talent nanti yaaa?

YEEP! 100 buat envis-chan. karena proftal bakal di up nantian, kosongin dulu aja di bagian talent’s name & auxiliary requests. bagian kriterianya harus lengkap, dan menyesuaikan dengan profile masing-masing trainee.

👤 Talent yang mafiyah ada gk

waduh, ada gak ya? kalau tampang kriminal sih ada. 🤣


👤 Kak Harvey mau sama aku ga? Nanti aku kasih permen *ceritanya mau nyulik* ALIAS AKU MAU KAK HARVEY

👤 maaf yah sender” bawah harveynya sama aku 💏

in the foremost point of our rules, we add a new rules here. “unsubscribe without permission is not permitted and the user will be banned permanently.”

q: why we should ask for a permission before unsubscribe?
a: it's purposely to avoid unfairness. if you're one of my business mutuals, you may unsubscribe this channel; just in case that your business channel is not operating anymore aka closedown. vice versa, I won't unsubscribe your channel unless my channel is not operating anymore or in a rest phase.

q: if I don't get a slot or never use rent service here, am I allowed to unsubscribe this channel later?
a: you are allowed to leave this channel only if you haven't send any orders format to our agency before. we will always checking on everyone who subscribed to this channel so please keep that in your mind.

henceforth, there is nothing left to be delivered. thank you for understanding.

izin memotong pembicaraan dulu sebentar yaa, envis.

kabur ah, serem. 🚴🏻‍♀🚴🏻‍♀

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