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EN—WARTS is dwelling in this realm, divided into four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Each houses has their own traits, rules, and secrets. Which house do you belong to?
☎️ : @enwartsbot
📁 : @archivewarts

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Brown feathers flock individually, soaring across the sky at a medium pace, trying their best to reach their assigned destination. Between its talons, a letter was held tightly.

Word by word, as if to show, made with a vigorous obligation to the tone. A conception that is arduous to grasp must be appreciated. Today, we congratulate you, our ally, and our dear friend for having yet another month spent together each other! Hereby, we bestow our sincere salute to @ChaerHolic @LlVeLOVE and @Eunflaws may you spread your wings into the rightful higher altitudes, to reach heights where even magic cannot achieve. Felicitations on your mensiversarry. Your efforts should be apperceived. A light will shine that has its own consequentiality, and you will be showered with love.

Signed, with love

Calling out all Aespa and Enhypen potrayers, let's join Aenhyspa!

Forward from: ÆNHYSPA.
The political escalation and amplification of average that is the phenomenon of narrative leave an incredible pattern on the senses of both givers and receivers. ÆNHYSPA, a re-creation of sophistication of old narratives with particular prominence, apply multiples in full adherence to recollection moralities, portioning numerals furthermore governed in the puzzle. Widespread to supply all the behaviour deemed, encompass:

📮 You must be using Aespa and Enhypen as your fixed muse, not multi-character or just a temporary swap and you must know your muse well.

📮 We don't accept silent readers, clone accounts, spies, have a bad attitude, and are in a mode to leave or rest from roleplay. And all types of roleplayers are accepted.

📮 We only have a few slots for each muse, so please check our taken list.

Attainment has been declared, if you would like to be one of us, please hand down your regards to our regulatory centre. Echoing our gratitude, your presence and self-registration are eagerly awaited. See you!

Jake's models let's join Jakesphere!

Forward from: Jakesphere. #OpenPO
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Various destinations are being written in their journals, no one was sure which places would be their first and last stop. For some people, the place they went to might hold a familiarity. For some, perhaps it is the other way around.
In the middle of nowhere, wouldn't it be better to not be alone? We certainly believe so. Hence why, we're looking for another Jake portayer to join this fascinating voyage with us! Before you decided to enlist, there are still things you must aware of, such as;

1. Make sure that you're Enhypen's Jake portayer and not only on a temporary character switch.

2. Be ensured that Jakesphere will be your one and only muse's dorm.

3. Not a spy or clone in a bad way, and make sure to keep the group's secrets.

4. Friendly, good manners and willing to make us the safest place to go; not just an ordinary dormitory.

Jake portrayers, what are you waiting for? Buckle up and get ready to travel with us through @Jakespherebot. We will appear shortly to guide you!

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Brown feathers flock individually, soaring across the sky at a medium pace, trying their best to reach their assigned destination. Between its talons, a letter was held tightly.

Word by word, as if to show, made with a vigorous obligation to the tone. A conception that is arduous to grasp must be appreciated. Today, we congratulate you, our ally, and our dear friend for having yet another month spent together each other! Hereby, we bestow our sincere salute to @MarkTechnology and also @Hoonversee may you spread your wings into the rightful higher altitudes, to reach heights where even magic cannot achieve. Felicitations on your mensiversarry. Your efforts should be apperceived. A light will shine that has its own consequentiality, and you will be showered with love.

Signed, with love

Gathered around to join the team, 02z. They have been looking for you! 👀

Forward from: Greedy Teenagers
Despatch a box of topical salutes to the bourgeoisie of the world! The feverish tidings today was about Greedy Teenagers came to the surface for gathering certain tribes to meet their quarters.

1. By agreement, we are delighted to accept any teenagers who was born as 2002 liners. Twins are allowed, two for each character. It's a good idea to ask in advance whether your character is still available for a seat or not.
2. Someone who can't keep secrets, two-faced, the silent readers, likes to look for trouble, and a spy is strictly prohibited in our milieu.
3. Finally, convince yourself that you can mingle very very well, always active, can communicate with us.

The tidings concludes warmly from those who are waiting for you at their dwelling. It would be nice, come and say hello to our personal communication on @GreenTeaaBot. Make sure you have read and are ready to comply with the rules listed. We are patiently waiting for you here!

Manager-nim, do register yourself!

Forward from: 𝗖𝗜𝗧𝗬𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡 #SearchingManager
Greetings respectability to those of you who see this attachment. With our respect, JOHNCITY conveys that we are looking for a manager who can manage members well, can divide the time to enliven the atmosphere in the dormitory and especially skilled in Wording and Editing. We have several terms and conditions before you register, namely: Have a calm nature and can solve problems or as a solution in the dormitory, be active in the dormitory, be responsive and can help members in the dormitory, not two-faced, can keep secrets in the dormitory in the hostel and not during busy times. As for these conditions, you can register to become our manager. If you are interested, please register on the bot [ @CityJohnBot ] We are waiting for you, until we meet again

Yang merasa lahir di tahun 2001, jangan lupa regis ke Gugusatu!

Forward from: GUGUSATU
GUGUSATU memanggil seluruh pengguna rupa kelahiran tahun 2001 untuk ikut ke tongkrongan! Simak beberapa ordinansi dibawah ini :

1. Yang paling penting dan gak boleh dilanggar, figur yang lo pakai harus lahir tahun 2001. Kita terima semua gender dan tipe dalam permainan peran, tapi kita gak terima figur sementara, dobel rupa, dan kembar, cek daftar slot.

2. Kita butuh anggota yang niat, bukan cuma minat. Kita gak mengizinkan akun klon (dengan niat buruk), mata-mata, bermuka dua, dan pembaca senyap. Maksa join? Lo kira lo oke 😅☝️

3. Yang penting lo harus aktif dalam berkonversasi, kenal figur yang lo pakai dengan baik, dan bisa mengatur diri lo sesama anggota maupun waktu lo sendiri. Dan pastikan lo gak ada niatan untuk rehat/hiatus, meninggalkan dunia permainan peran, menghapus akun dalam waktu dekat.

4. Jadikan GUGUSATU sebagai satu-satunya asrama figur kelahiran tahun 2001 lo, maaf kita gak terima kalau lo udah masuk asrama lain.

Lo merasa diri lo cocok sama kriteria diatas? Langsung cus ke @GustuRobot.

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