eutoille, kyoo on duty!

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{ @eutoillebot & @kyo0_0u }

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Forward from: Lunaphila: debut!
⊱ To all of Lunaphila’s moots or anyone who have seen this message, would you kind enough to spread this into your channel? Much obliged! 🤍 ⊰

Invitation is forwarded celebrating the GRAND OPENING of @Lunaphila. Welcome to the garden of moonlight, o’ visitor, realize your reveries. Joy shall be endowed for those who received the invitation from the Moon. Underneath the clouds, realms of night swiftly overwhelm silence and serenity. Words and scripts shall be interlaced as a unity of beauty through the hands of maidens from @Lunaphila.


Serenely sweet you gild the silent grove,
My friend, my goddess, and my guide.
— Hymn to the Moon

Forward from: @sweeflush
𐂯₊˚ (👚🩹)’ hugs&kisses! all sweeflush’s pals, assemble before the holy—gate! declaring that there’s one piece of paper readily accessible for spreading. endearingly cheerio, folkies!

♡。༝ *pinky-laces with paper has been sent..🎀*
an cherubical angel is still on her mission to seek her umpteenth buddy for mutualism. she dedicated a magic chamber for the gathering dwelling, and henceforth—she told her entire buddy to breach this mail @sweemails in order to become sweetsouls! (4.44 afterthought postscript) she solely accepts chambers with premium app types, proofreading needs, and writing commissions.

♡ heartlofet tweenkle, sachiyo. ☆

Forward from: bilue lock, open!
rise and shine, selamat pagi bilu! kita open yaa, untuk mutual yang mau hfw tolong ke bot yaa @BiLockeubot! ♡

ada yang mau di fw gak? @eutoillebot / @kyo0_0u

masihh menerima orderan promo lg ya, tp lagi gak nerima in-rush dulu besok senin soalnyaaaaa. moots minta tolong buat forward ini yaaa timakaci

list orderan bulan ini

• 3 manips half body an M (+in-rush 1 day) taehyung karina ✅
• 2 manips selca an F (+in-rush 1 day) jay Isa ✅
• 2 manips selca an N sehun mina ✅

strikethrough : done
underline : on going

halo semuanya! kita udah open buat pertama kalinya nih, tapi tunggu duluuuu masa iya 1st open gak ada promo? YA ADA LAH!

ada potongan harga 1.500 untuk setiap pembelian 1 manips, promo hanya berlaku untuk 20 pembeli pertama ya. JANGAN SAMPE KETINGGALAN SOALNYA ADMIN GA SELALU ON DUTY 😮💨 langsung chat @eutoillebot ajh kalau tertarik, uang bisa dicari tapi manips semurah ini emg bakal ada lagi? makanya ayo beli manips disini dijamin ketagihan dan gabakal nyesel

a honest review from them about us!

check the comment section for some catalogue & '' rel='nofollow'>pricelist bellow! ⬇️

i. pembayaran dilakukan di awal melalui all e-wallet (spay, gopay, dana, ovo) termasuk qris

ii. foto disarankan dari buyer agar hasilnya sesuai ekspetasi

iii. jika ada revisi maka akan dikenakan biaya tambahan 2.000

iv. tidak boleh ada pembatalan apapun meskipun belum membayar. jika sudah mengisi formulir = wajib membayar

v. manips akan dikirim melalui tele file/g-drive. wajib subscribe @eutoille terlebih dahulu agar tidak tertinggal informasi

best regard, eutoille.

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