From ivangbi | ngmi (🦞,⚙️🧰)

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#ivangbi Comments from other builders seem to suggest that Andre's take is correct there, that the rollup game keeps twisting away LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Why so? LobsterDAO 🦞

#SagiSats Engengment farming at best LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi By the way actually what the fuk LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi CT is just sucking dick of every green scam candle and shits on anything decent with red candles. We used to believe in things, but this cycle lack of money in good projects has really killed all vibes - just casino rape all the way down LobsterDAO 🦞

#lefterisjp great choices! I bet you the CT mob won't care. Price is down :P LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Damn @tkstanczak holy wow! LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi ^ this and: LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi With such amounts of money LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi An exchange should 100% do that LobsterDAO 🦞

#pstr1 Thats what Safe said, lol LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Go host your own UI app and remove all the restrictions from it @flipdazed LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Just stahp already LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi UI != smart contract LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Oh god again this topic LobsterDAO 🦞

#ivangbi Of course it does not, it’s a surplus that originated over some time - now it’s not. LobsterDAO 🦞

#michwill Nice, does it earn money that fast tho LobsterDAO 🦞

20 last posts shown.