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Welcome to the Furry Games Index Project
Github, website, groups and maintainer contact: https://t.me/FurryGamesIndex/4

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Our comments server has been moved from the Netherlands to California, USA. If you encounter any issues related to our in-site comments widget, please report them to our site operations (webmaster@furrygames.top).

我们的评论服务器已经从荷兰迁移到了美国加州。如果遇到任何站内评论功能相关的问题,请报告给站点管理员 (webmaster@furrygames.top)。

由于 jsDelivr 失去了 ICP 许可证,且已无中国 CDN 节点可以提供服务, cn.furrygames.top 、 cn-cf.furrygames.top 镜像(包括已废弃的 cn2.furrygames.top )将在未来几天内关闭,并会重定向到主站。
我们对 jsDelivr 事件表示遗憾,并对 jsDelivr 长时间为中国用户提供的反向代理服务表示感谢。

This is a message that is only meaningful to Chinese users, so there is no English translation.

Telegram 已经开始向频道投放广告。若您看到的本频道中的消息带有 "sponsored" 标识,则说明您看到了 Telegram 投放的广告。

对于 FGI 项目(以下简称“我们”),不管是在 Telegram、我们的版本库、受我们控制的网站及镜像、自我们控制的域发出的电子邮件,均未主动投放任何营利性广告,且目前也没有在将来投放营利性广告的计划。此频道中可能出现的广告是由 Telegram 投放的,且不受我们的控制。我们中的任何现任和往任成员、曾为我们贡献的外部志愿者均无收获任何利益回报。

我们可能在未来废弃 Telegram 频道,并将更新日志和公告迁移到 Github 或其他受我们控制的渠道。

特别提醒:任何使用 Telegram、Ton 或者 Durov 标识的区块链项目均属诈骗,请注意识别。

Telegram has started placing ads on its channels. If you see a message on this channel with the "sponsored" logo, you have seen an advertisement placed by Telegram.

The Project FGI ("we/us") does not actively place any for-profit advertisements on Telegram, our repository, websites and mirrors controlled by us, or emails sent from domains controlled by us, and has no current plans to place for-profit advertisements in the future. The advertisements that may appear on this channel are placed by Telegram and are not under our control. Noone of our current or former members, nor any outside volunteers who have contributed to us, receive any benefit in return.

We may in the future discontinue the Telegram channel and move our change logs and announcements to Github or other channels under our control.

Special Note: Any blockchain project using Telegram, Ton or Durov is a scam, so please be aware of it.

1. We are very sorry. In-site comments widgets was unavailable in recent days due to our wrong configuration. It should be back to normal now. No history data lost.

2. For the introduction of new games to FGI, we have now shifted the closed TG/Email workflow to the open and transparent github workflow. You can check the related work status from https://github.com/FurryGamesIndex/games/projects/3. If you have a Github account, you can also easily create game requests and bug reports on https://github.com/FurryGamesIndex/games/issues/new/choose (you can still send emails or TG messages).


1. 非常抱歉,由于我们的配置错误,站内评论系统在最近几天内无法使用,但是现在应该已经恢复。历史评论无丢失。

2. 对于引入新游戏到 FGI,我们现在已有封闭的 TG/Email 工作流向公开透明的 github 工作流转移,可以从 https://github.com/FurryGamesIndex/games/projects/3 查看相关工作状态。如果你有 Github 账户,也可以在 https://github.com/FurryGamesIndex/games/issues/new/choose 上轻松创建游戏请求和错误报告(仍然可以发送邮件或者 TG 消息)。

Since we detected (possibly) normal traffic from some of these ASNs, AS132203 is now unblocked, but visitors need to complete the JS challenge (to ensure that it is a real user and not a robot).
The report has been updated.

由于我们检测到来自其中部分 ASN 的(可能)正常流量,现在 AS132203 已解除屏蔽,但访问者需要完成 JS 挑战(以确保是真实的用户而不是机器人)。

These blocked ASNs are all from one cloud service platform (Tencent) and are NOT expected to have any impact on ordinary home broadband and mobile network users.

这些屏蔽的 ASN 均为一家云服务平台(腾讯),预计不会对普通家庭宽带和移动网络用户造成任何影响。

Due to the abuse of our website resources, traffic from the following ASNs has been blocked

AS58835 Tencent cloud computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. China
AS45090 Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited China
AS137876 Tencent (Thailand) Company Limited Thailand
AS133478 Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd China
AS132591 Tencent AS num for global network Hong Kong

Requests from the following ASNs need Cloudflare JS Challenge

AS132203 Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue China

We will continue to observe the firewall logs to determine the follow-up plan.

由于对我们网站资源的滥用,来自以下 ASN 的流量已被屏蔽

AS58835 Tencent cloud computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd. China
AS45090 Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited China
AS137876 Tencent (Thailand) Company Limited Thailand
AS133478 Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd China
AS132591 Tencent AS num for global network Hong Kong

来自以下 ASN 的流量已启用 Cloudflare JS 挑战

AS132203 Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue China


The new UI has been launched!

But this doesn't have to be the final form of the new UI. Like the old UI, it may be changed several times during its life.

Classic UI can still be used via the https://furrygames.top/classic-ui/ address, but there is no guarantee that they may be broken and taken offline in the future.

新 UI 已经到来!

但这并不一定是新 UI 的最终形态,就像旧 UI 一样,在其生命中也可能经历数次修改。

经典主题仍然可以通过 https://furrygames.top/classic-ui/ 地址继续使用,但没有任何保证,在将来可能会被删除。

Our new UI is coming.

UTL_1138 has designed a more modern new FGI UI theme for us: FGI-Redesign.
I've modified and simplified it (which may have caused some damage to the original design).

The new UI can now be viewed on the FGI-next test site at https://next-build.furrygames.top/ . (Not final and still subject to change)

There are still a small number of pages that have not been migrated to the new UI, and these will be dealt with gradually in the future. After all pages have been migrated and the bugs found so far have been fixed. The main site will switch to this new UI.

After switching to the new UI, the plan is to allow the old UI to remain accessible as a "classic theme" for a certain period of time until it cannot be maintained.

我们的新 UI 即将到来。

UTL_1138 为我们设计了更现代的新界面主题 FGI-Redesign

现在已经可从 FGI-next 测试站点 https://next-build.furrygames.top/ 查看新 UI。(并非最终效果,后续仍然可能会进行修改)

仍有少量页面未迁移到新 UI,这些页面将在未来逐渐处理。在所有页面完成迁移并修复目前已发现的错误后。主站将切换到此新 UI。

切换到新 UI 后,计划允许旧 UI 在一定的时间段内仍然可以作为「经典主题」被访问,直到无法维护。

We have provided a comment section below each game page.
Please note that this is only a test. Since our members don't have much time to manage it, if we find a lot of spam, we will close some or all of the comment section.

The comment system is based on isso and it is lightweight and privacy friendly. But I'm not satisfied with it because it lacks features like multiple administrators, so I can't create some community administrators to share the administration cost. I am also looking for other alternatives.


评论系统基于 isso,它轻便且隐私友好。但是我对此不够满意,因为它缺乏诸如多个管理员之类的功能,以至于我不能创建一些社区管理员分摊管理成本。我也在寻找其他替代方案。

This feature has been merged into the main FGI site: furrygames.top, with some improvements

此特性已正式合并到 furrygames.top FGI 主站,并带有一些改进

中文 | English

The initial list classification and complex list implementation is testing on FGI-next


This is because we have been requested by someone. And we think it could be useful.
It is worth mentioning that the "Standard" in "Views" is the view mode that FGI has been using since the beginning. The "Complex" view mode is a new view mode. You can see more information about the game directly on the list without navigating into the specific game entry.

Feel free to test and give feedback.

中文 | English

初始的列表分类和复杂列表实施已经在 FGI-next 上测试


值得一提的是,「视图」中的「标准」即为 FGI 从开始到现在一直使用的视图模式。「复杂」视图模式则是新增的视图模式。可以在不进入具体游戏条目的情况下直接在列表上查看游戏的更多信息。


🎉 FGI maintainers and contributors have created 1000 commits on the main branch of the Github repository!


中文 | English

1. More games, more tags, more game entries translated to English-based. Tweaks and improvements on multiple game entries.
2. Added a new preference page that allows users to turn on/off sensitive content at any time (previously only available through an enabled link on a game page containing sensitive media). Allowed to enable display of Steam Store widgets. You can also find a link to the Preferences page at the bottom of the page or at the bottom right.
3. The Steam Store widget is officially supported, but is not enabled by default due to privacy concerns; you can enable it on the Preferences page.
4. Enhancements to Service Worker's client-side caching (improved caching measures in optimized versions for mainland China, active circumvention of opaque caching, etc.)
5. The search interface already supports HTML Picture and webp candidates, which will avoid wasting cache.
6. Optimized version for mainland China: workaround for client-side cache inconsistencies caused by jsdelivr refresh delayed, otherwise the client may cache images that are actually out of date and difficult to refresh in the following time.
7 Create schema spec files for data file formats and force syntax checking for new entries in Pull equests.
8. Massive code refactoring, most components have been relieved of their dependency on global variables, and other adjustments have been made to make the FGI rendering tool easy to call by external programs.
9. A validator server for contributors, allows contributors to upload data files, and the server will automatically check for syntax errors and render the syntax error-free files into game pages for contributors' work. This allows contributors to edit data files without having to configure the FGI build environment locally.
10. Sensitive media is embedded into pages using a more canonical approach (custom MIME text/x-FGI-sensitive-media, instead of img and using invalid data URIs), potentially benefiting SEO and supporting sensitive video.
11. The new author information area has been officially implemented. Migrated game pages will display an author area that includes the name, the avatar and role of each author. Authors recorded in the author database will also create an author page with the author's alias, SNS links and games.
12. The tag dependency specification has been deprecated and replaced with the "implication" keyword in the tag specification.
13. Sensitive media hints have been deprecated and ignored, and will now automatically check for the inclusion of sensitive media.
14. Various other improvements. And improved build performance.
15. Minor bug fixes.

🎉 FGI 的维护者和贡献者们已在 Github 仓库的主分支上创建了 1000 个 commits!


中文 | English

1. 更多的游戏,更多的标签,更多游戏条目被翻译为基于英语。多个游戏条目上的微调和改进。
2. 新增首选项页面,允许用户随时开启或关闭敏感内容(之前只能通过一个包含敏感媒体的游戏页面上找到启用的链接)。允许启用显示 Steam 商店小部件。你也可以从页面的最下方或右侧最下方找到首选项页面的链接。
3. 已正式支持 Steam 商店小部件,但由于隐私问题默认不启用,你可以在首选项页面上启用它。
4. 增强 Service Worker 的客户端缓存(改进中国大陆优化版本下的缓存措施,不透明缓存的主动规避措施等)
5. 搜索界面已支持 HTML Picture 和 webp 候选,这将避免浪费缓存。
6. 中国大陆优化版本:针对 jsdelivr 刷新延迟引发的客户端缓存不一致的 workaround。否则客户端有可能缓存实际上过时的图片,并很难在接下来的时间里刷新。
7. 为数据文件格式制作 schema 规格文件,并强制对 Pull request 中新增的条目进行语法检查。
8. 大规模代码重构,大部分组件已解除了对全局变量的依赖,并进行其他调整,以使 FGI 渲染工具便于被外部程序调用。
9. 为贡献者设计的验证服务器,允许贡献者上传数据文件,服务器将自动检查语法错误,并将无语法错误的文件渲染成游戏页面,以便于贡献者的工作。这允许贡献者无需在本地配置 FGI 构建环境即可编辑数据文件。
10. 敏感媒体使用更规范的方式(自定义 MIME text/x-FGI-sensitive-media, 而不是 img 并使用无效的 data URI)嵌入页面,可能有利于 SEO,并支持敏感视频。
11. 新的作者信息区域已正式实施。已迁移的游戏页面将显示作者区域,其中包括各作者的姓名,头像和角色。作者数据库中记录的作者还将会创建一个作者页面,其中包括作者的别名、SNS 链接和游戏。
12. 标签依赖规格已弃用,已使用标签规格中的「蕴含」关键字代替。
13. 敏感媒体提示已弃用并被忽略,现在将自动检查是否包含敏感媒体。
14. 其他多处改进。并提升了构建性能。
15. 次要错误修复。

中文 | English

DRAFT: Author information area on the game page

We have designed a new "author database" and we expect to create pages for each author. The pages will show the list of games that the author has participated in and SNS information of the author. (not yet fully implemented)

In the meantime, we have implemented a new author information widget on the game pages. It is more beautiful than the traditional tags and shows the author's avatar and role (in making this game).

This feature is still under development and may change eventually. You can preview this feature via FGI-next (FGI's test channel).

If you have more comments on this, feel free to join the discussion group to discuss.

The Khemia page is our demo page for the feature on FGI-next and can be accessed at the following link.

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