Rules for publishing your links to groups and channels in telegram:
1)The post should contain a brief description
(who is interested in your channel and what you can find there).
2) the description is Followed by your link
3) a Link to the same channel should not appear in the group more often than
1 time per month
if noticed,
if you publish the same link more than once a month, all your posts will be deleted, and you will be banned from publishing subsequent posts for 30 days.
You can publish the same link a second time only if you delete the last post and not earlier than a month after the first post was published.
4) to effectively promote your group or channel -
There is a reciprocity agreement,
If you publish your link in our group, then our link must also be published by you.
Your description and our link or just make a Repost :
https://t.me/GAY_CHANNEL_LIST_RULES/2 to your channel or group.
5)Nothing but the description and links should not be (chat in the group is prohibited).