White Art Realm

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If there’s any group of people in America who deserve to suffer,
it’s the White middle-class. It’s the people who have been warned
for decades about where this country is headed, but who were too
shortsighted, too timid, and above all too greedy, too selfish,
to do anything about it.

The fruits of all that toleration are almost ready to be harvested
— and it’s about time.

I think it’s about time for the soft, White middle class to begin facing reality and to experience a bit of trauma and privation.

Perhaps it’ll help them learn how to survive in the jungle from which they have been too far removed for too long…

Censorship for thee but not for me.

This is the motto of the left. They're never satisfied. They will still cry fascist for getting the same treatment they only want enforced onto Whites.

Today's liberal intellectuals, who pride themselves on scientific method and being broadminded,
are the most narrow-minded, self-righteous and hate-filled bigots in the history of humanity.
No primitive tribe worshipping with its witch-doctor was ever more vicious in its hatred and
suppression of heretics than today's Marxist intellectuals, anti-racists and liberals.
- George Lincoln Rockwell

In order to ensure our survival we must cultivate fanatical fire.
We must fan the flames of fanaticism with every beat of our hearts.

Every breath must fuel our fervor.

The louder the jews bellow and bleat about us,
the more people become interested in wanting
to find out for what we are fighting.

Full transcript of Kuhn's speech:

We are the new barbarians,
forged in iron hardness in the fires
of their hate and persecution.

All over the world, we wait to pounce.

We must reach out to our people.
We must alert them.
We must educate them.
We must encourage them.
We must inspire them.

And here's a beautiful, wonderful thing: when you reach out to other people to encourage them and inspire them, you yourself will be encouraged and inspired. When you find out how many other people there are who share our concerns, our feelings, our values, our sense of responsibility, you cannot help but be encouraged. Even the hatred that you encounter from some people -- especially from people in the controlled media -- will be encouraging. For you will understand that they would not hate us so much if they did not fear us. And the reason that they fear us is that deep inside them they know that what we say is true. So let's get out there -- all of us -- and start looking for encouragement!

We will fight race destruction through thick and thin and never coexist voluntarily with it.

What we do, we do because it is the right,
proper and manly course of action to take.

Forward from: Corona Chan News 🦠
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Boer Jan Lamprecht On Saint Roof, Saint Bowers & The Optics Cucks

Burn it to the ground.

The world awaits the coming of mighty men of valor, great destroyers; destroyers of all that is vile, angels of death. -Redbeard Ragnar

The law of life is: kill or die. That’s still the law, no matter how civilized and genteel we become. -William Pierce

When men cease to fight - they cease to be - Men. -Ragnar Redbeard

Whether it's the Boers, Americans, Brits, etc, all Whites need to understand that it's better to die fighting than to do nothing. The laws of nature dictate that the weak will be eaten.

Let's celebrate it!

Forward from: Stop White South African Genocide
Message from Jan at historyreviewed.com, I highly recommend downloading all the video content there and saving it.


I had plans to begin posting more on the phones, when I was hit with one problem after another. Firstly, on late Friday evening ALL my websites went down. I traced it to a server problem. It took me some hectic work on the weekend to get my websites back up. I am not sure if this was due to direct, malicious hacking. I could not initially find proof that there was hacking. I am waiting for 2 other guys I trust to assess the situation for me. I had to create an entire new server to get my websites back up.
Then today I was visited by the Police twice. The first was for a criminal charge I laid against someone who had defrauded me. The 2nd was a new criminal charge by YOU-KNOW-WHO, who laid the charges against me in July. So I now have a 2nd legal battle with you-know-who and my first court appearance is in the 1st week of November.
I urge people who are serious, to try to follow me on historyreviewed.com or africancrisis.info because a lot is happening. Because of legal stuff I cannot discuss certain things. I will do my utmost to try at some point to get some of my news posted here, but if I'm silent, its because I'm really busy.
It has been made clear to me, in the legal documents that the goal is to TOTALLY SILENCE ME - COMPLETELY!!!! SO MAKE THE MOST OF MY WEBSITES AND WHAT I'VE DONE WHILE YOU CAN. I MIGHT NOT ALWAYS BE THERE!!! (Of course I will resist to the maximum). Those who laid charges have indicated that they want my websites SHUT DOWN and they want ALL MY SOCIAL MEDIA SHUT DOWN. They want to silence me TOTALLY.
I WANT MY FREE SPEECH and so I will oppose all efforts to shut me up. It is also clear from the legal stuff that they are concerned by the spread of my information. It comes through very clearly, that they do not like the fact that people are listening to me on an ever greater scale. They make specific references to how many people read my articles or view my videos and they say things like "... is trending on the social media...". It is bothering them intensely that people are listening to me.
So if I'm quiet, PLEASE CHECK MY WEBSITES. I am working like a lunatic, but they are trying by all means to silence my websites and me. They're trying everything, and I can probably expect even more legal stuff coming my way.

Terror can only be broken by terror. - Adolf Hitler

Forward from: 🌲ValkyrWaffen🌲
Look to our past to help guide our future.

Niggers: "One of us died while resisting arrest. This is genocide of our race and we must fight back."

Whites: "Our people are tortured and killed daily while the black government openly celebrates it. Let's pray and look for political solutions."

Forward from: HateLab
We must remove petty nationalism from our mind, many of us already have.

To go forward, We must think of all Europeans and European Descendants around the globe as our Kinfolk. The distinctions are important, but they must be put behind us.

We fight the global menace, of non-white hordes(RATS) and the traitors, as a Single Unified Front.

The Boers Fight is Our Fight! The Swedes Fight is Our Fight! The German Fight is Our Fight! The English Fight is Our Fight! The Slavic Fight is Our Fight! The American Fight is Our Fight!

The World is at Our Feet, whimpering like a lost puppy.

We will fall or Rise as One Race, the White Race, The Aryan Race, The Human Race.

We believe firmly and unshakably in victory. We see it before us, we need only reach for it. We must resolve to subordinate everything to it. That is the duty of the hour. Let the slogan be:

Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose!

- Joseph Goebbels

Shine like the sun.

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