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atb : @atbrisca

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anw terimakasii yang sudda bantu votee

hii moots boleh minta tolong vote mansion 2 yaa

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boleh mintol vote M2 ga? satu vote dari kalian itu berharga bgt buat kami, mksh ya

hfw mootiess! 💗

📝 drop ur @ for sfs main acc with @urjooyyie ^^ . adm upsubs, jarang isi board DNI yas!

👤 @adMarkLee everyone allowed

👤 @jerferd

👤 @kemitaehyung

👤 @reinjuniee everyone allowed

👤 @murderacted

👤 @shiinryue everyone's allowed

👤 @iDoyoucng everyone's allowed

👤 @shenzxiaotg

👤 @iLalisaManobaI

👤 @Leeteq

👤 @iMinSyugaa

👤 @kidonghyuck

👤 t.me/jeluzzxyy
everyone's allowed

👤 @dayeones everyone allowed

👤 @KlMYEWONN everyone's allowed

👤 @kyiesenaV

👤 @jujchris

👤 @ifvsrose

👤 @yerimiesree

👤 @Jaiynchent

👤 @jDoyoungK

👤 @urryujoanne everyone's allowed

👥 22 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

i love you

i swear that i love him more than he could ever imagine

"agak alay ngetiknya" capek 😭😭

cr: jessie

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hii! kembali lagi bersama nata dan babeh 🤩🤩

yang unsub kembarannya onyet

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this boy is literally everyone's type

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