22/23 years gorgeously growing: Na Jaemin. a sweet boy who has angelic voice and stunning artworks, deep mind and possess bewitching insights. happy level up to you, happy blissful birthday! thanks for all your hard work and contribution to this world, you deserve love and everything. so do with Na Jaemin's portrayers; Dhame, Reiki, Atlas, Arelion, Jayden, Naza, Ethan, Rey, Ash, Naje, Jare, Moichan, Nalen, Nando, Resakha, Sahan, Jaerez, Juan, Abizhar, Narendra, Jemian, Noya, Gevan, Razael, Gabiyel, Zaki, Akala, Abif, Nizar, Nana, Rakael! thanks for portraying him so fine, and nurturing the traits of him as well, so please keep it up. enjoy your day bunny! 🤍