Europe / America / America Latina / NATO reaction to the Israel - Gaza / Palestine War Conflict Guerre Krieg Guerra

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RT @mfa_russia: 💬 #Zakharova: Kiev and its Western patrons continue to haggle over Western permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons to deliver strikes deep inside Russia.

We would like to remind the warmongers that they are playing with fire and have lost all sense of reality.

Russia in Israel

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @UNDPPA: Ahead of Saturday’s session on dismantling patriarchal power structures, @UN_CTED Executive Director emphasizes the importance of taking gender-responsive approach to preventing and countering terrorism.

Learn more:… #OurCommonFuture #GenderEquality

United Nations CTED

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @CanadaFP: Minister Joly to co-host women foreign ministers’ meeting in Toronto

To read the news release:

Canada in Israel

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @CanadaPE: La ministre Joly coprésidera la réunion des femmes ministres des Affaires étrangères à Toronto

Pour lire le communiqué :

Canada en Israël

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Dit is een huis in Metula, in het noorden van Israël, na een raketaanval vanuit Libanon door Hezbollah.

Elke Hezbollah-raket heeft een adres en is bedoeld om te doden.

Vergis je niet: Israël zal niet toestaan dat Israëliërs worden geterroriseerd door Hezbollah, Hamas of welke Iraanse proxy dan ook.

Israel in Nederland

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

رئيس الوزراء يلتقي نائب المدير التنفيذي #لليونيسف
بحث تعزيز الجهود المشتركة في تقديم الخدمات الصحية والتعليمية والحماية الاجتماعية في قطاع غزة

The Prime Minister meets with the Deputy Executive Director of @UNICEF
They discussed enhancing joint efforts in providing health, educational, and social protection services in the Gaza Strip.

State of Palestine - MFA 🇵🇸🇵🇸

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Molte menzogne e resoconti intenzionalmente fuorvianti riguardanti la situazione umanitaria a Gaza sono stati condivisi sui social media.
Adesso desideriamo fare chiarezza.

Many lies and intentionally misleading reports regarding the humanitarian situation in Gaza have been shared on social media.

We’re here to set the record straight 🧵:

@cogatonline - Israel ישראל

Israel in HolySee

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Questa è una casa a Metula, nel nord di Israele, dopo un razzo di Hezbollah lanciato ieri dal Libano.

Ogni razzo di Hezbollah ha un indirizzo ed ha lo scopo di uccidere.

Non fraintendete: non permetteremo che gli israeliani siano terrorizzati da Hezbollah, Hamas o qualsiasi altro proxy dell'Iran.

This is a home in Metula, northern Israel, following a Hezbollah rocket launched from Lebanon yesterday.

Every Hezbollah rocket has an address and is meant to kill.

Make no mistake: We will not allow Israelis to be terrorized by Hezbollah, Hamas or any other Iranian proxy. - Israel ישראל

Israel in HolySee

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

להקשיב, לנחם, לתמוך.

לקראת יום הזיכרון לאסון ה-7 באוקטובר, ביקר השבוע שגריר צרפת בישראל, פרדריק ז'ורנס, באשדוד כדי להיפגש עם הקהילה הצרפתית המקומית.

השגריר נפגש עם אזרחי צרפת שהתכנסו במרכז הצרפתי באשדוד. הוא הודה לנשיאת המרכז, דניאל טייב, על מסירותה הרבה, והביע בפני הנוכחים את הזדהותה העמוקה של צרפת עם סבלן של קהילות הדרום. השגריר, שהגיע בליווי הקונסול הכללי של צרפת בתל אביב, מתיו קלובל-ז'רבזו, פירט את דרכי הסיוע שהוקמו כדי לתמוך בהם.

במהלך הביקור, נפגשו השגריר והקונסול עם שתי משפחות של אזרחים צרפתים. משפחות אלו קיבלו סיוע חירום מהקונסוליה בתל אביב, שעזר להן להתגבר על מצוקתן. מפגשים אלה המחישו את כוחה של הערבות ההדדית - מעשית, אנושית ואכפתית.❤️🇫🇷

צרפת תמשיך לעמוד לצד אזרחיה בתקופה זו של חוסר ודאות ביטחונית. 🙏

La France en Israël

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Écouter, réconforter, soutenir.

Alors qu’Israël s’apprête à commémorer la tragédie du 7 octobre, l’Ambassadeur de France en Israël Frédéric Journès s’est rendu cette semaine à Ashdod, à la rencontre de la communauté française locale.

À nos ressortissants réunis par l'Espace Francophone d'Ashdod et sa présidente Danielle Taieb - que nous remercions pour son engagement indéfectible ! - l’Ambassadeur a réitéré l’émotion et la solidarité de la Nation française face au drame vécu par les communautés du Sud d’Israël. Accompagné du Consul général de France à Tel Aviv, Matthieu Clouvel-Gervaiseau, il a rappelé le dispositif de soutien déployé pour leur venir en aide.

Les visites chaleureuses à deux familles de compatriotes, sauvées de la détresse grâce aux aides d’urgence allouées par le Consulat général de France à Tel Aviv, ont été l’occasion de mesurer les effets de la solidarité humaine, concrète et bienveillante. ❤️🇫🇷

La France continuera de se tenir aux côtés de ses ressortissants, dans ce contexte sécuritaire particulièrement incertain. 🙏

La France en Israël

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @mfa_russia: 💬 #Zakharova: On September 24, High-Level Week of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly opens in New York, becoming one of the central international political events of the year.

👉 Russian delegation to be helmed by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov #UNGA79

Russia in Israel

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Planning on traveling to the 🇺🇲 for the October holidays? Hoping to travel to the 🇺🇲 visa-free on ESTA? Not everyone qualifies! Apply early & give yourself enough time to make a visa appointment in case you don’t qualify or your ESTA isn’t approved>>

U.S. Embassy Jerusalem

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

El Embajador Argentino entregó certificados a periodistas argentinos participantes de la "Misión para periodistas en zonas de conflicto: La guerra de Hamas, Irán y proxies contra Israel",organizada por la Cancillería local y el Instituto Internacional de Liderazgo de la Histadrut

Argentina en Israel

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Metula i morges.

Den en gang så vakre byen i Nord-Israel har vært under Hizbollahs ild i snart ett år, i likhet med alle andre israelske byer og landsbyer i Nord-Israel.

Den 8. oktober startet Hizbollah en uprovosert krig mot Israels folk for å hjelpe voldtektsmennene i Hamas i deres forsøk på å utslette Israel.

Iran og deres terroristiske arm i Libanon er ansvarlige for situasjonen.

Libanons regjering, som støtter terrorgruppen, er også ansvarlig for situasjonen.

Metula this morning.

The once beautiful town in northern Israel is under Hezbollah fire for almost one year, as all other Israeli cities, towns and villages in Northern Israel.

On October 8th Hezbollah started an unprovoked war against the people of Israel in order to assist the Hamas Rapists in their efforts to annihilate Israel.

Iran and its terrorist arm in Lebanon are the ones responsible for the situation.

The Government of Lebanon that stands by the terror group is also responsible for the situation.

📷 @netalishemtov - Avi Nir-Feldklein

Israel i Norge

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Fires in northern Israel as a result of rockets launched by Hezbollah terrorists from Lebanon.
Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90


Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Aggiornamento sugli aiuti umanitari

🚛222 camion, tra cui 22 contenenti prodotti per l'igiene, sono stati trasferiti a Gaza.

🛻 È stato ritirato il contenuto di 170 camion: 154 sono stati ritirati dal settore privato e solo 16 dalle @UN. Il contenuto di oltre 490 camion è ancora in attesa.

⛽️Sono state trasferite 6 cisterne di gas e 5 cisterne di carburante.

⚙️Il coordinamento della rotazione del personale umanitario è stato completato con successo.

Israele in Italia 🇮🇱🇮🇹

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

GAZA: La clínica dental de uno de nuestros centros de salud en Khan Younis acaba de reabrir. Debido a las dificultades para acceder a atención dental por la falta de equipos e instalaciones, la población depende de UNRWA para tratamientos dentales.

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @unwomenpal: UN Women issues a Gender Alert on the health crisis in #Gaza: 11+ months of war have left 177,000 women with severe health risks. Damaged facilities and resource shortages worsen the crisis. More:…

United Nations Palestine

Europe / America reaction to Israel War by @IsraelEurope
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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