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This channel is to dispatch folks to jail supports happening around the city. For info, please contact either @eurekascastle or @satrangi_re

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Update:// Last Temple PD arrestee is on 2:30am docket, otg will announce when actually released as that depends on how long list is. They’re good on rides so nothing more needed. If you loaned things out to jail support, thank you so much, and please let us know how those things can get back to you!

To everyone who gave their time to jail support tonight, this is important and appreciated work❤️ Solidarity and support to everyone released and hoping everyone gets some rest!

Update:// 2 out of 3 arrestees on midnight docket at 400 N Broad. Last one likely to be on next docket (either a 2:30am move from 4am docket or regular 4am docket). If there is a 2:30am docket and last person is not on it, next docket will resume as normal at 8am.

Asks rn are food and chargers.

Will update at next docket.

Asks rn are for portable chargers and blankets!

UPDATE:// jail support only needed now at 400 N Broad (HQ) for 3 temple PD arrestees. Not on 8pm docket list, so midnight earliest, but since they held the Drexel arrestees for 24 hours, I’d say most likely the 4am docket. Boost out for jail support until then at least, please. One group at side entrance on 15th between Callowhill and side street Hamilton. Will prob have a small group in front of HQ too soon bc people’s phones die so if they get released out there (which they have in the past). About 13 ppl supporting rn but folks will want some sleep, so support for these later hours is really needed. A lot of folks left when Drexel arrestees were released.

Update: 2 Drexel arrestees were released on noon docket, remaining 4 Drexel arrestees are officially on docket for 4pm (both 18th district @ 55th & Pine and HQ). Reminder Temple arrestees will still be at HQ (400 N Broad) until 8pm *at least.* Let’s make sure all of our comrades are taken care of even if our friends are no longer in!

UPDATE:// Temple PD picked up another 3 at around 3:30am, they didn’t get processed until like 4:40 something so their clock doesn’t start until 5am. They might not get processed until like 8pm if that. Original Drexel arrests aren’t on docket rn, so could be noon, but UATL estimates more likely 3/4pm. All the temple PD arrests plus 3 from Drexel arrests are at HQ (400 n broad) and then 3 from Drexel arrests still at 18th district (55th & Pine) for total 9 people still in need of support. Jail support needed at HQ until at least 8pm, Jail support needed at 55th and pine until likely 3/4pm. Please come if you can and boost/share bc it’s another full day of support.

Jail Support Needed: Around 10 people arrested in solidarity with Palestine. Being held at 18th Precinct (55th & Pine) and HQ (400 N Broad), so support is needed at both locations. Call is especially for later/early morning hours so people can switch out for rest/getting out of the cold.

#Update: Folks are being held at the 1st district (24th and wolf) most likely overnight, so we’ve created a shift schedule that aligns with when folks are usually released so folks can’t swap out so they don’t get burned out. Special need for 12am-4am and 4am-8am but please sign up for when you can possibly come and share widely (reminder jail support is legal and in front of police so totally okay to be public and unvetted— put just your first name/a fake name if you’re worried) and we’ll update if there’s no longer a need due to release

#UPDATE 2 released from 22nd district, folks heading to 1st

1st district (24th & wolf) seems to be where need is

Pennovation Action Arrestees are being held at 3 different precincts that will need jail support: 22nd District (North), 1st District (South) & HQ at 400 N Broad.

We currently have enough cars and thank anyone who could come and give rides

#UPDATE There are still 9* people being held and released slowly

#NOTE If you are a community member released from the mass arrest tonight, as you are released, please text the UATL hotline with your name and a picture of your CVN (484-758-0388)

#UPDATE Jail Support at state police detention center @ 2201 Belmont ave will go into the night and food/supplies will most likely be needed if folks can bring those as well

JAIL SUPPORT NEEDED: Mass arrest at action that shut down the Ben Franklin, 50-60 arrested, need 5-7 cars, umbrellas and ponchos to coordinate rides for folks at the State Police detention center on Belmont. Will be people that attended action organized by a coalition made up of PSL, PB, and MXGM

Official text in that everyone is out! Thank you to everyone who coordinated/did jail support on this action! Rest up!

12:47 "I think they’re all good for now! We only have 2 more left to get out! They said they had a pretty good crew now. But if you’d still like to join, they said your welcome to head over to HQ at 400 N Broad. people will be there both in the front on Broad St and in the back on 15th St. "

Please share

400 north broad for the sit in at Dwight Evans office: "Hey all, our folks are still inside, the next window of release that we're hoping for is 12-4. If anyone is available for jail support let me know, they could definitely use support after being in there all night. Thanks yall

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