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ada yang mau ladenin malesub rewel ini? selain rewel juga lagi pengen centil. lagi ngerasa cantik soalnya. come here kakak maledom or teteh femdom #jpganteng

looking for a twins, big bro/sist or wanna long-term friendship? drytext, ghosting and rarely diving DNI. all gender allowed #JPAYU

anyone chit-chat? all gender allowed, bosen bnr nih #jpganteng

heyy #jpayu this femdom Ryujin duplicate, looking for a femsub or malesub, yang gemes gemes, clingy, and cerewet sini, let's be my friend/family. yang suka kirim fpap, frontal typ, img midd-long get a free pass.

Hi #jpganteng this dupe Jaehyun currently looking for a special friend connection ( Friend With Affection ) I'm open for both gender as Soft Dominant. we can use love – hate or lovey – dovey relationship. i like to send 3++ bbc in our roomchat and talk a lot.

good morning base, this #jpayu duplicate yoo siah, Yooa from oh my girl (1995) searching for many new pals, esp friends and families. bandmates and linemates get free kiss from me HAHAHA, or is there anybody's here mind to be my 72h? do knock my roomchat darling~

hellouww! everyoneee‼️#jpganteng dupe of kim leehan submissive ver is speaking 🐟🫧 i'm lookin' for bf and any pals, && any friends, all gender allowed or sekalian sfs/saling isi board. leggo knock my roomchat! go gooo . . !

good night #jpayu ! im looking for new friends and family atau sekedar saling save juga boleh. jika kamu berkenan tap disini 🐩. drytext n ghosting DNI.

ssup #jpayu ! this aeri uchinaga's potrayers looking for a lot of new friends, fams, or any (?) if you're interested in getting to know me more, please do hmu and send me your best 'hi' to my chatter-box.

#JPGANTENG ngincer janda nih gua, ada gak ya mau di ulek sama janda

be friends, or friends with? pref maledom. i'll tell a lot of stories, love quality time, and physical touch! fastrep man, where are u? :< #jpganteng

good morning base, this #jpayu duplicate yoo siah, Yooa from oh my girl (1995) searching for many new pals, esp friends and families. bandmates and linemates get free kiss from me HAHAHA, or is there anybody's here mind to be my 72h? do knock my roomchat darling~

be friends, or friends with? pref maledom. i'll tell a lot of stories, love quality time, and physical touch! fastrep man, where are u? :< #jpganteng

sementara ngga nsfw dulu ya joys

Hello @durov i would like to convey that, there is no action that violates the terms and conditions of telegram here, i hope, telegram has a wise way, in managing problems, before doing strict action, such as banning/ blocking a telegram channel, thank you.

ssup #jpayu ! this aeri uchinaga's potrayers looking for a lot of new friends, fams, or any (?) if you're interested in getting to know me more, please do hmu and send me your best 'hi' to my chatter-box.

⠀⠀ ⠀𑁍﹙ ﹚﹗🧺

hhemlooo bunniee — ☆♡☆
This femsub heree , im looking fforra fam(ily)🙇‍♀🫂  apaa sajaa bolee aku menerimaa dengan senang hatii ka aku mau punyaa banyaa banyaaa teman jugga atau partner apapun itu bolee 🤗🤗 im so lonely umm >____< leggoo hmu nanti dapattt free kiss , aku jugga suka send to fpap or sticker nakalll hihi 🤭🤭 #jpayu

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