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Azure learning materials and presentations

All major neural networks, in one chart! 🙌🏼

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🤓 The top 10 computer vision papers in 2020 with video demos, articles, code, and paper reference:

The list:
- Sea-thru: A Method For Removing Water From Underwater Images
- Neural circuit policies enabling auditable autonomy
- NeRV: Neural Reflectance and Visibility Fields for Relighting and View Synthesis
- YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection
- PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models
- Image GPT - Generative Pretraining from Pixels
- DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
- PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization
- RAFT: Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow
- Learning Joint Spatial-Temporal Transformations for Video Inpainting
- Old Photo Restoration via Deep Latent Space Translation
- Is a Green Screen Really Necessary for Real-Time Portrait Matting?
- DeOldify

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