Forward from: saintdejourn's rkive
── .✦ @saintdejourn HIRING ADMINS ✦. ──
solemny-blithesomes, bound with promises forthwith trandescents. this shout——of messages: an emenated means to be here @saintdejourn is seeking for new admins now!
the division we needed is:
- moodboard deco
- moodboard design
- manips
- story tele
- wording
if you're having a expertise at this division, and you're intrested to this hiring admin, let’s see the rules of ours first:
Form Hiring Admins:
Dear Saintdejourn, I'm (@.usn) interested of joining and be the new admin of division (max 2 div) and here's are my result ( result)
Kirim form ke @saintdejourn_hirminbot
solemny-blithesomes, bound with promises forthwith trandescents. this shout——of messages: an emenated means to be here @saintdejourn is seeking for new admins now!
the division we needed is:
- moodboard deco
- moodboard design
- manips
- story tele
- wording
if you're having a expertise at this division, and you're intrested to this hiring admin, let’s see the rules of ours first:
🧷. Subscribe @saintdejourn first. Dilarang untuk unsubs agar tidak ketinggalan informasi.
🧷. Only for ba, ca, pa account! Role Account is not allowed.
🧷. Niat, rajin, dan bisa bertanggung jawab.
🧷. Dapat membagi waktu antara real life dan ba, tidak dalam masa rest.
🧷. Tidak ada riwayat menipu dan bukan orang yang pernah membuat onar di store lain.
🧷. Bisa berbaur dengan admin yang lain.
🧷. Share list hirmin { } ke story, lpm, bot dan kirimkan bukti screenshot ke bot bersama format hirmin.
Form Hiring Admins:
Dear Saintdejourn, I'm (@.usn) interested of joining and be the new admin of division (max 2 div) and here's are my result ( result)
Kirim form ke @saintdejourn_hirminbot