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The sea is the element of love. the greeks say so - aphrodite emerged from the water ; poetry in a world that was still learning the alphabet, from the smooth contures of poised metaphores and similies. was an art form lusted for centuries.

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ㅤㅤི˖🕰 ׅ ׄ─‌┈The oracle tells them that psyche is destined to marry a monster that neither god nor mortal can resist psyche's parents are instructed to leave her on a mountain to await her monstrous husband. they cry a lot about it but they do it anyway so, psyche is chilling on top of the mountain fully expecting something terrible to happen zephyr, the west wind comes and lifts her carrying the princess gently from the mountaintop down to a beautiful field of flowers psyche comes across an amazing castle and goes inside the place is decked out with tons of treasure and priceless pieces of art. she hears voices that tell her that the palace and all the amazing stuff in it is hers. she's treated to a wonderful feast complete with an invisible singing chorus for entertainment. her husband-to- be comes to her that night in the darkness of her bedroom, so she can't see what he looks like he tells her that she must never try to see what he looks like. she's cool with that for a while but eventually she gets lonely since he only comes at night and because there are no other humans around psyche convinces her invisible husband to let her sisters come and visit her 𖤶 𝅄˚ he reluctantly agrees and has zephyr float them down. psyche's sisters get super-jealous about her incredibly posh lifestyle they start interrogating her about who her husband is. at first psyche lies and says he's a handsome young man who spends all day hunting in the mountains they don't buy it, though and keep pumping her for information.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤCupid and Psyche Lucius Apuleius

A king and queen have three daughters all three of the girls are attractive but one of them is absolutely gorgeous-psyche. people come from all around just to check out how beautiful psyche all this adoration of psyche gets totally out of hand ; men start worshiping her as if she were a goddess and ignore the altars of the goddess of love and beauty venus (a.k.a. aphrodite) men even start saying that psyche is more beautiful than venus we bet you can guess who got mad about this yup that's right-venus. the goddess of love gets kind of hateful and orders her son cupid (a.k, a. eros),

To go and punish psyche by making her fall in love with the ugliest thing around. cupid sneaks into psyche's bedroom to do his mother's bidding but, when he sees how beautiful psyche is he gets all distracted and pricks himself with his own arrow cupid falls instantly in love with psyche and leaves without doing what his mother told him to do psyche's life continues on as usual: everybody comes to gawk at how hot she is. however, since venus has it in for her nobody ever falls in love with psyche. psyche's two sisters end up getting married but psyche is stuck sitting alone in her room getting worried that they've made some god angry psyche's parents decide to go consult the oracle of apollo about their daughter's future.

Love In The Underworld

One day Hades, the god of the underworld, happened to glance up at the world above and noticed persephone, daughter of zeus and demeter. he felt instantly in love. one day he roused himself to go to olympus and ask zeus for persephone's hand in marriage. zeus was pleased and gave his consent. knowing demeter would never allow the union, he kidnapped her. persephone was. distraught, crying so much as forming the river cyan.

Goddess of The Wildland

Artemis was one of the most revered and honored of the gods. she was admired as a great huntress. her skills of a bow could only be matched by her twin brother, apollo. despite her love for the hunt, artemis was an avid protector of the wilderness. she would seek vengeance upon those who where seen to do harm to animals, regardless of who they were.

Goddess of Witchcraft

Hecate, daughter of the titans perses and asteria, was the goddess of magic and witchcraft. she was often depicted as holding a key and torch she witnessed the abduction of persephone to the underworld and, torch in hand, assisted in the search for her. as reward for she was given a helping demeter during her search sh place in the underworld as attendant an to persephone.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤGIRLHOOD, MEDUSA, AND FEMALE RAGE ; { 𖢣 } immediately i recall caravaggio's painting of medusa feared by the male heroes of greek mythology i am thirteen and i stand in an art gallery marble floors shining and my breath echoing around the room. medusa has her mouth open in a bloody hysterical scream her bead decapitated ; it is silenced by the glass separating the painting from me it reflects my face over her own a mirror. i am sixteen now and i want to scream rage cry. we are told not to my head firmly attached to my neck, writhes with snakes of questions about this. i have no snakes for hair yet my own contentious relationship with the concepts of beauty and ugliness seems to explain my having some sharp edges. when girls are weighed on the scale of beauty, of wortham i not allowed to simply exist the scale places rage on the negative end medusa is given trauma has it forced down her throat and intoher lungs medusa is given a blade to her neck for daring to be mad about it girls are given trauma and they are given no place to put it down.

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