GIRLHOOD, MEDUSA, AND FEMALE RAGE ; { 𖢣 } immediately i recall caravaggio's painting of medusa feared by the male heroes of greek mythology i am thirteen and i stand in an art gallery marble floors shining and my breath echoing around the room. medusa has her mouth open in a bloody hysterical scream her bead decapitated ; it is silenced by the glass separating the painting from me it reflects my face over her own a mirror. i am sixteen now and i want to scream rage cry. we are told not to my head firmly attached to my neck, writhes with snakes of questions about this. i have no snakes for hair yet my own contentious relationship with the concepts of beauty and ugliness seems to explain my having some sharp edges. when girls are weighed on the scale of beauty,
of wortham i not allowed to simply exist the scale places rage on the negative end medusa is given trauma has it forced down her throat and intoher lungs medusa is given a blade to her neck for daring to be mad about it girls are given trauma and they are given no place to put it down.