Guru Mtk

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ㅤThis channel contains hashword without using CW. DNI for convokill people, homophobic, ngabers, hyungers. And for stalkers, tyvm for adding my channel eyes.
📂: @lasuvegas

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Guru Mtk joined Telegram!

Forward from: ☆ يشبه التآزر ★
📝 drop sod for Jake, Saka, Cami, Sheyna, Cavano, Velora

👤 spill ava crush

👤 spill fav song

👤 spill pilem berbi yang rame

👤 spill playlists

👤 spill bias

👤 spill fav person

👤 spill makanan fav

👤 spill pinned

👤 spill pesan tersimpan

👥 9 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

rise and cooker brok

Forward from: Aviothic.
📝 Mencari moots baru. Drop ur cool @. For sfs main acc with @Werewoltf
Homophobic, rprl area, admin upsubs DNI

👤 @bestroseanne

👤 @nazjeaemiin

👤 @nazjeaemiin

👤 @hwnghyunjcn everyone's allowed

👤 @userredan everyone's allowed

👤 @jjenniekyiim everyone's allowed

👤 @iHjewon

👤 @iJaenoLees

👤 @gamshinjye

👤 @tJaeymien

👤 @cigarettesat5am

👤 @JaeminKeasinan

👤 @youseunghee everyone's allowed!!

👤 @minjvuc

👤 @qsYena Everyone's allowed

👤 @vKimTaeyyung everyone's allowed

👤 @iMinjzo

👤 @jennieruby_jannee everyone's allowed

👤 @comingseas every1's allowed

👤 @PreetyIrene everyone's allowed

👤 @justtrossiee everyone is allowed

👤 @iHansoe_he

👤 @Hyunahkiim

👤 @littleyujinn everyone's allowed

👤 @iSeuIIgi, everyone's allowed

👤 @nengsohee (everyone's allowed)

👤 @chanyexols

👤 @myigyu everyone is allowed

👤 @gadisjoogdja

👤 @xwntraespa everyone's allowed

👤 @afGiselle

👤 @kkiemsyerimie everyone's allowed

👤 @leehachaen everyone's allowed

👤 @gyozadior everyone's allowed

👤 @dongheock everyone is allowed


👤 @K8mMinju

👤 @iMnacyeonie



👤 @jjennieski everyone's allowed

👤 @Taehyugv

👤 @kio_atp - homophobic , racist DNI

👤 @uhArnault

👤 @BamngyuChoi

👤 @yjNingNing every1's allowed

👤 @sckha

👤 @AlrisaaM

👤 梟. @MioYmanobe

👤 @Minjeongiq

👤 @jjioh

👤 @imChanikarn everyone is allowed:D

👤 @iJenoIees

👤 @iKimnJennie everyone's allowed

👤 @ofcnamiiswan everyone's allowed

👤 @jjngwonyoungie everyone is allowed

👤 @dupehyunsuk yang lain sabi sini

👤 @ccakvsr

👤 @inipacartaehyungv

👤 @prettieskim everyone is allowed

👤 @gYiren every1's allowed!

👤 @gunsmilc everyone's allowed

👤 @xkmyerima everyone's allowed

👤 @mildlapassalanj everyone's allowed

👤 @jisungdubrak siapapun boleh kok

👤 @Taeshyugn

👤 @iHanChaekyung free for all, hmu.


👤 @mindzngie

👤 @hyciize

👤 @NewZelands everyone's allowed

👤 @TockyoKiss everyone's allowed

👥 72 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

bener ga?
  •   di w tdk
  •   betul hdu
21 votes

masterpoll error ga si? gua mau absen sm mau ngisi board kok aneh ga kek biasanya

cakep cakep

📝 first impression for me @jisungdubrak

👤 cool!!!

👤 seems like a tukang ghosting :vVvvVv

👤 cool

👤 Kereeennn

👤 Kinda intimidating && cool af

👤 ganteng, ihacoy 🤤🍭

👤 jamet gk sie

👤 Cool

👤 Gntnk keren

👤 jisungiee DUBRAK!

👤 seems friendly

👤 kinda cool

👤 jamet

👤 asik bgt anaknya

👤 friendly bgt🤩

👤 You lookkk stunninggg!

👤 seems friendly

👤 Kerenn

👤 cool banget

👤 cool

👤 keren brok

👤 friendly💯

👤 seems cool🤔

👤 cool!

👤 cool

👤 Seems cool and humble

👤 cool

👤 Cool

👤 cool asf & kayaknya seru

👤 sopan

👤 Seems friendly and cool too.

👤 COOLL?!!

👤 cool

👤 Kamu sangat sangat gemesin

👤 cool guy 🥶

👤 seems friendly

👤 ganteng

👤 Friendly and easy going😉

👤 cool and friendly

👤 friendly and cool myb

👤 friendly? but cool

👤 keren, i guess

👤 KECEE?!?! 😤😤

👤 ganteng, hehe


👤 cool

👤 gwanteng

👤 Seems friendly

👤 cool and kinda cute hehe

👤 gantengg bgt omegottt

👤 seems cool and friendly!!

👤 kelihatan friendly sama social butterflyy 😉

👤 friendly ?? coll

👤 Cool and same friendly 🔥

👤 jamet

👤 cakep cug

👤 cool, friendly yaa

👤 kerennn

👤 cool bgt brok

👤 cool?


👤 cool

👤 Kayak gemes

👤 kerenn bangett 🤩


👤 spt anak kalem ternyata ngga, handsome boyyy

👤 Friendly

👤 Friendly and cool! We must get closer bud! 🥶

👤 cute, kaya uke 😁

👤 cool

👤 cool😼

👤 cooolll 🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻

👤 tongkrongan vibes💯


👤 Easy going sih

👤 krenn

👤 cool af.

👤 cool af

👤 Cool

👤 cool

👤 cooll !!!

👤 jamet yah luhk

👤 kayanya kamu prenlii

👤 cool, kece kayak prenli

👤 handsome

👤 gantenggg cool friendly

👤 friendly??


👤 ugly, jamet

👤 keren, you seems friendly

👤 keren, cakep

👤 kindly cool af n seems friendly(?)

👤 cool

👤 cceyam but amu keliatan na bica jaddi pendengar yyan baik 💪🏻

👤 keren!

👤 cool

👤 ganteng & friendly

👤 cool

👤 Friendly

👤 Kalem , tapi ternyata salah

👥 100 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board


Due to @Telegram's privacy
ㅤpolicy and rules, I declare that
ㅤI'm not the real Park Ji-Sung,
ㅤand I have no affiliation with
ㅤthe real Park Ji-Sung, NCT,
ㅤThis channel and this
ㅤaccount are for roleplayer
ㅤonly. For convenience,
ㅤyou can read the channel

15 last posts shown.


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