to whom this may concern—or whom by any chance stumbled upon this epistle. I, the sole proprietor of @laubade, intend to rummage around for conjunct comrades to build salutary interdependence among us. consideration has been made and an open arm for those who are binding with the main account and profile needs as their business position of prominence. you shall not demur from mailing me if you are enthused to bonding with Aubade.
[have the goodness to mail me via t.me/laubadebot]
to whom this may concern—or whom by any chance stumbled upon this epistle. I, the sole proprietor of @laubade, intend to rummage around for conjunct comrades to build salutary interdependence among us. consideration has been made and an open arm for those who are binding with the main account and profile needs as their business position of prominence. you shall not demur from mailing me if you are enthused to bonding with Aubade.
[have the goodness to mail me via t.me/laubadebot]