Forward from: AUSSIE_SOLUTIONS 2024 channel
NSW! Thank you to everyone who attended the Zoom tonight. Our action plan for the first week of our holidays is this;
Most letters will be provided but some may require adjusting to suit your circumstances and situation. Please feel free to add your personal touch to it as this helps with the letter getting attention.
1. Letter to Teachers Health Fund.
2. Truth Day Question to MPs from Vaccine Choices Australia website. We will post link.
3. Letter to the Governor General of Australia (must be posted by mail).
4. Letter to Principals from parents and concerned citizens.
5. Letter to Teachers Bank & Superannuation funds.
6. Letter of non consent for your child at school. This letter must be sent to school principal and acknowledged.
7. Call GP and get on a mental health plan and then phone DoE hotline and make a claim for stress and anxiety due to mandate announcement and constant bullying and harrassment. This may be needed if you need to take sick/stress leave once vaccine deadline date comes into effect.
8. Other school associations should have something similair.
9. Online complaints to Dept of Health Australia. Link will be provided.
10. Contact HR of your school and ask about your leave entitlements coming into November. Just prepare yourself so you're not financially left in the dark.
Please use your personal email for all the tasks above except the tasks specifically related to work matters.
We will post each link, letter and task the night before AND the morning of. It is crucial everyone does these tasks.
IF you have, and ONLY if you have been contacted personally for your vaccine status then send the Level 4 letter which is pinned to this channel. Your right to medical privacy must be respected and protected.
This goes for every professional in education. Even casuals, childcare educators, support staff, admin staff, maintenance, etc.
United We Stand!
Most letters will be provided but some may require adjusting to suit your circumstances and situation. Please feel free to add your personal touch to it as this helps with the letter getting attention.
1. Letter to Teachers Health Fund.
2. Truth Day Question to MPs from Vaccine Choices Australia website. We will post link.
3. Letter to the Governor General of Australia (must be posted by mail).
4. Letter to Principals from parents and concerned citizens.
5. Letter to Teachers Bank & Superannuation funds.
6. Letter of non consent for your child at school. This letter must be sent to school principal and acknowledged.
7. Call GP and get on a mental health plan and then phone DoE hotline and make a claim for stress and anxiety due to mandate announcement and constant bullying and harrassment. This may be needed if you need to take sick/stress leave once vaccine deadline date comes into effect.
8. Other school associations should have something similair.
9. Online complaints to Dept of Health Australia. Link will be provided.
10. Contact HR of your school and ask about your leave entitlements coming into November. Just prepare yourself so you're not financially left in the dark.
Please use your personal email for all the tasks above except the tasks specifically related to work matters.
We will post each link, letter and task the night before AND the morning of. It is crucial everyone does these tasks.
IF you have, and ONLY if you have been contacted personally for your vaccine status then send the Level 4 letter which is pinned to this channel. Your right to medical privacy must be respected and protected.
This goes for every professional in education. Even casuals, childcare educators, support staff, admin staff, maintenance, etc.
United We Stand!