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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‌‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ sometimes that sadness
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ gets so deep in your heart‚
that you can't even cry.

Be sure to spend time with your parents while you can, because one day when you look up from your busy life, they won’t be there anymore, your parents can’t be replaced🙂💔

To my old self,
I'm sorry for allowing people to hurt you so many times. I'm sorry for all the wrong decisions that you've made because you were not wise enough before. I hope you'll learn to forgive yourself someday. I hope you'll heal from all your trauma. And I hope you've learned from all the mistakes that you've made in your past.
Someday, I hope you'll learn to love yourself after all the heartbreaks that you've been through. I know sometimes it's hard to forget the painful things that happened to you, but it takes time to heal. I hope one day you'll learn to find your worth again. You were too hard on yourself and you forgot that you are worth it too. One day, I hope you find the happiness that you always deserve.
I want you to know that your past mistakes and traumas doesn't define who you are. You are more than your wounds and scars. You are more than the number of your heartbreaks. And I hope you always remember that I am so proud of you for being brave enough to stay alive. You are loved, and you are always enough.

i am tired too 💔

“you’ve changed.” yes, I did. I stopped giving people too much love, kindness, attention and forgiveness. I reciprocate the energy they deserve. my priority is me. It might sounds selfish, but after what I did for them, all I got was disappointment.

Sometimes we will lose interest of the certain things we usually do not because you don't want it anymore but becauze you soul crave for silence and inner peace. Sometimes it's better to lay down on your bed while enjoying your favorite music or your favorite movies alone away from your phone and away from all the notifications that bother you from time to time.
Sometimes it's more okay spend to time alone and reflect what you want to do, why you keep on tolerating stagnant routines and why you keep on staying a place where you don't belong. Sometimes you have to listen to your mind and body when it's telling you to shut down the world for a while and do yourself a favor and rest to the extent that you will feel yourself again. The world doesn't revolve within your smile, loving someone, or excitements, silence, sadness and solitude is all part of the process.
Breathe and remember that you can do all this things without worrying about what other people will say because this is your life and you don't anyone explanations for prioritizing yourself.

— Balt Rodriguez

Be alone. Eat alone. Read alone. Enjoy being alone.
Take time to understand things and learn to love who you are. You are better off alone.

Strong, Is She.

She is strong. Not because of how much she can lift but for how she lifts others up when they're at their lowest. Not because she is capable of withstanding the storm but because she'll navigate the storm and then show you how to do the same.

Not because she is indestructible but because after every fall, she will always, always rise. She is strong. Not because she chose to be but because the world demanded her to be.

She has walked through hell, faced battles most will not comprehend and yet despite it all, she still chooses to be kind; to be soft at the hands of the world that tried to break her.

Her strength comes from within. From learning how to turn pain into power, chaos into peace, wounds into wisdom.

Strong is she, who knows her worth and refuses to settle for less. Strong is she, who will not back down, who will fight for what she believes in. Strong is she, who has love wrapped around her heart, courage knitted in her bones and fire running through her veins.


Over the time, I realised that I have not recovered from many things. There were times, even when I was still bleeding profusely, I just shake myself up and moved on with my life. It’s not that I did not allow myself to truly feel and deal with the pain, but I was too used of being strong that I was afraid I will lose the only protective mechanism that I have.

I am a soul full of grief, anger, and longing. I am a keeper of everything broken in my life and those shattered pieces left by all the people that had been in some chapters of my book. Their memories forever etched inside of my heart – laughing, screaming, crying, sometimes calling my name and jarred me up from my deep slumber. Most of the times they were too heavy to hold and too scattered for me to keep up with.

I am probably the strongest girl you would ever meet, for no one knows how well I hide my weaknesses and wounds, no one would ever guess how damaged I was actually inside. Maybe that’s why the universe gave me endless papers and quills, so I can let all the pains running free, so I can calmly breathe, even if it is just for a little while.


Silent breakdown, because no one knows how tired and exhausted I am.

they said that the eyes are the window of our soul. it's so honest and pure. perhaps, that's the reason why i can't take a glimpse in other people's eyes, i'm afraid of what i can see through it. there's a fear inside me that they can also unveil what i'm trying to conceal behind my eyes because i'm not comfortable answering the question “are you alright?”

my lips can say “i'm okay” but my eyes will never lie that it's always the same. i'm barely breathing. (i'm tired)


It's okay..
You'll be okay.
Maybe not now but one day you will.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing your best already.

Maybe you're feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted. Maybe you feel like giving up everything all at once because you just had enough..

But you're stronger than this.
I believe in you.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm losing love for myself. I feel so insecure, and I start hating my flaws. I feel like I'm not enough. I just can't adore myself. It seems like I couldn't see my own worth. There are times where I just hate seeing myself in the mirror. And sometimes, I cry over the fact that I can't change myself. I want to be someone else. I want to be like the others who confidently accept and love themselves. I just can't find reasons to love myself right now. I feel like a failure; I feel like I am so worthless; and I feel like I am not someone who is worthy of being loved.

There are times where I question my worth and hate myself a lot. The truth is, I don't know how to love myself. I'm having a hard time accepting that I am not always good enough. That sometimes, I fail, I break, and I disappoint too many people. I find it really hard to love myself. Maybe someday I'll regret it, and maybe that day I'll finally realize how much I deserve to be loved by myself.

— Shiori X

Losing yourself.

Remember when they continually mistreated you to a point where, you formed a habit of saying "I'm used to it".

Remember when they never appreciated everything you did for them and you began to tell yourself "It will be okay".

Remember when they would always undervalue you, and you learned how to say "I'm fine".

Remember when you were always put last and you naturally reacted with "It's whatever".

Remember when they would always take you for granted and you dealt with it by always saying "Everything will be okay".

Remember when you were unhappy and you always told people on a daily basis "I'm doing alright".

If you're reading this right now, then you need to understand... nobody is worth losing yourself over.

Not one person on this earth is worth suffering for, at the expense of your own happiness.

And nobody is worth tormenting yourself over for the sake of making them happy.

You may not want to hear this, but leaving this person is the only way you'll be able to find yourself again and truly become that person you used to be.

Take my advice and ..... Choose this person's absence over their disrespect.

~ Cody Bret

i hope someday you have a courage to run from the things that make you miserable.

I hope someday you will gather all your courage and walk away from the things that left you hanging into nothingness. Made you question your worth, and made you fall down on your knees. I hope someday you'll get all the lights you deserve after being in the cage of darkness. You have all the potential to gain your own shine, please be courageous not to stay at the place which no longer serves you utmost respect and peace.

Walk away if it suffocates you. Change everything, grow and relearn.

—Writes Yna

I hope someday you will gather all your courage to walk away from all the things that doesn't give you comfort. From all the things that fills your heart with insecurities. I hope like a butterfly in a vast garden of a different flower you will also give yourself the freedom to meet people that could possibly give you enough reason to stay. Not because you are obligated, but because you are happy and they want you to. I hope the day will come where you won't need to mourn for the heartbreaks that you really don't deserve in the first place. Close the door tightly for those who left, and keep the one who stay.

I thought loving you hard will make you love me better. But it wasn't enough. I was not enough. Most of the time, I just wish not to wake-up anymore. So that you would never see me again. So that my heart would stop aching. And maybe, when I'm gone, only then you would realize that I was always been there for you all along.

It makes me sad how you treated me poorly despite of loving you so selflessly. It was sad loving someone with all I have and realized that I was still not enough.

— Shiori X

I'm sorry for forcing you to stay. I'm sorry for forcing you to make time for me and to give me attention. I'm sorry for forcing you to love me even when you don't want me anymore. I thought I could make you love me right. I thought if I continue holding on to you, you would learn to treat me right. But you didn't. In fact, you always make me cry. You always make me sad and always make my heart pounding with pain.

I'm so unhappy, and you never care at all. Why do you have to make me feel so alone when I'm with you? Why do you always have to make me beg for your love? I wish I could just learn to unlove you. I'm hurting so bad, yet you always have a way to hurt me even more. I'm tired— not of loving you, but I'm tired of all the sadness and pain that you're making me feel.

80% of women use silence to express pain. You know she's truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you.

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