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She's tired.

She's tired of the psychological mind games and people pretending to be someone they're not.

She's tired of the shallow conversations with people that only care about themselves.

She's tired of attention from men with hidden agendas.

She's tired of being treated like an option when she should have been treated like a priority from the first conversation.

She's tired of spending countless nights questioning her own self worth.

She's tired of people not respecting her boundaries and forcing her to do things she's not ready to do.

She's at a point in her life where she wants to be loved correctly or be left alone completely.

~ Cody Bret

Dear self,

I'm sorry for putting you in the same difficult spot over and over again.

I know you just want to feel loved and cared for, just like how you love someone else.

But I still make choices that make you hurt and tired.

You deserve better,
You deserve to feel peace,
you deserve to feel happiness.

You deserve kindness, peace, and love, not only from others but from me too.

From now on, I promise to listen to you more, give you the attention you've been waiting for, and to stop letting anything and anyone break your heart.

You've been sick for so long, and now it's time for you to heal.

With my love.

Treatise Heart


You are not always strong every day, and that's okay. Sometimes you just have to breathe and rest. Take a pause for awhile and be vulnerable. It's okay. Even the strongest person cries when he's tired. I want you to know that you don't have to hide all your fears and sadness just to look strong in front of everyone. It's okay not to be strong. It's okay to admit to yourself that you can't take it anymore. And someday, I hope you'll realize that whether you are strong or not, you are still worthy.

You are not always strong every day, and that's okay. I know sometimes you feel so exhausted with your life and you just can't find a courage to fight for your silent battles. I know sometimes you think that life is being unfair to you and you just want to stop living. And I know sometimes you feel so weak that you don't even want to wake-up every morning. I want you to know that it's okay. You don't have to force yourself to be strong when you're already falling apart. It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. You don't have to make yourself believe that you're okay even when the truth is, you're far from being okay.

You think I'm selfish?

Bro, I have seen my favorite person loving someone else and I still smiled and wished for their happiness.

She already knows her value, her worth. She healed in such a way that she fell in love with herself all over again. She knows that nothing was ever easy, but maybe that was the beauty of it. She is unbothered— by people's opinions, dishonesty, fakeness & inconsistency.

She learned to forgive those who have done her wrong in the past, because she knows that they help her build the woman she was today— and that woman is me, and i will never be that girl again.

I want you to know that your past mistakes and traumas doesn't define who you are. You are more than your wounds and scars. You are more than the number of your heartbreaks. And I hope you always remember that I am so proud of you for being brave enough to stay alive. You are loved, and you are always enough.

To my old self,

I'm sorry for allowing people to hurt you so many times. I'm sorry for all the wrong decisions that you've made because you were not wise enough before. I hope you'll learn to forgive yourself someday. I hope you'll heal from all your trauma. And I hope you've learned from all the mistakes that you've made in your past.

Someday, I hope you'll learn to love yourself after all the heartbreaks that you've been through. I know sometimes it's hard to forget the painful things that happened to you, but it takes time to heal. I hope one day you'll learn to find your worth again. You were too hard on yourself and you forgot that you are worth it too. One day, I hope you find the happiness that you always deserve.

you've been strong for so long, but remind yourself that It's okay to cry, to be fragile, and to be vulnerable at times. it's okay to be silent when everything around you is chaotic. take a break and just breathe.

Under all her angér there's a girl who never understood why she got treated so bád when she gave everyone in her life everything.

Do you know what changes people?

In every person's life there's some sort of pain that made them the way they are. It just changes everything inside them, they wake up one day, totally different people..

And in the end, they're never the same!

i try. i try so hard, every time. i give people chance after chance, hoping that this time it’ll be different, that maybe they’ll see the effort, feel the love, and meet me halfway. i hold on, even when it’s tearing me apart because i don’t want to give up on someone i care about. but there comes a moment, after trying and trying, when i realize something painful: i can’t be the only one fighting. i can’t keep breaking myself to fix something that isn’t mine to fix. no matter how much love i pour in, i can’t make someone show up for me the way i’ve shown up for them.
so i reach a point where i have nothing left to give. not because i didn’t try hard enough, but because i’ve tried so much that i’ve lost pieces of myself along the way. and i realize that walking away isn’t quitting,it’s survival. it’s reclaiming the parts of me that i’ve spent trying to save someone else. it hurts to let go, but it hurts more to hold on to someone who doesn’t see your value.

acting strong, but i'm really tired.

how was everything lately?

was it too heavy or you’re just good at carrying it well?
but here’s a cheer to the ones who have to hide everything under their sheets. to the ones who keep on putting up a bright smile on their face despite how heavy it weighs. cheers to you—you’re brave, you’re inspiring, you’re bold and you’re human—be human. be weak at times, be fragile —things will eventually be lighter one day. sit with all your roundabout emotions and still, get back up.


it cut me deep, but the apology didn’t even heal the surface of my wound.

just sometimes i’d wish that sorry can act as a band aid for every wound the people have caused. hoping that hearing them say it can magically remove the sting in my skin.

but it don’t.

even with countless apologies, it didn’t manage to lessen the pain. it didn’t even stop the bleeding. it was just a sound—plain, unsincere.

how painful to accept the fact that even if they apologize, the wound will remain as it is.

I'm still learning to say goodbye to the people who hurt me even if they give millions of excuses.
I'm still learning to leave the most things I love if they're causing pain.
I'm still learning to stop giving too many excuses for people who wouldn't.

I'm still learning to love myself enough to stop anyone that would make me suffer.

"Isn't it sad?"


"...that she made sure everyone around her is okay but no one even asked her how she's doing."

I am strong, but I am tired..
Tired of always having to be the strong one.
Tired of always having to do the right thing.🙂

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