🔥Idea users Double data trick
1. Send PORT [space] Your Idea mobile no. 1900 through messaging app.
2. Instantly you will Get these Offers
a ) 199 _ 2GB/Day 28 days
b ) 399_ 3GB/Day 56 days
c ) 555_ 3GB/Day 84 days
* Usually Vodafone users getting 3GB/Day 84 days at 599.
3. Now download MyIdea app from play store and login. If you've never logged in you will get 2000 cashback voucher. I mean 40×50 rupees voucher.
4. Now do recharge worth 555 through MyIdea app and apply 50 rs coupon then you have to pay only 505 INR. So Pay and continue.technicalsheikh
Within 10 minutes you will get SMS of recharge successful.
5. Now send CANCEL [space] Your Idea mobile no. To 1900 and cancel portablity process.
Now Enjoy ❤🤘 Double data with extra discount.
It's short trick that I shared you all 😘.
1. Send PORT [space] Your Idea mobile no. 1900 through messaging app.
2. Instantly you will Get these Offers
a ) 199 _ 2GB/Day 28 days
b ) 399_ 3GB/Day 56 days
c ) 555_ 3GB/Day 84 days
* Usually Vodafone users getting 3GB/Day 84 days at 599.
3. Now download MyIdea app from play store and login. If you've never logged in you will get 2000 cashback voucher. I mean 40×50 rupees voucher.
4. Now do recharge worth 555 through MyIdea app and apply 50 rs coupon then you have to pay only 505 INR. So Pay and continue.technicalsheikh
Within 10 minutes you will get SMS of recharge successful.
5. Now send CANCEL [space] Your Idea mobile no. To 1900 and cancel portablity process.
Now Enjoy ❤🤘 Double data with extra discount.
It's short trick that I shared you all 😘.