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Rise and shine. Guten Morgen and happy Sunday, our beloved subscribers. Masih pagi, jadi harus senyum dulu dong. Matahari nanti malas keluarin cahayanya kalau mahluk di bumi udah sedih aja pas pagi hari begini. Semangat ya untuk hari, semoga hari kalian menyenangkan. Always take care of yourself just like the sun taking care of the earth, always giving it lights so it will look shiny. Keep praying, keep hoping for a better day. Don't skip your breakfast. Don't forget to keep your spirits up high today, good luck for today, have a great day y'all. One more, you're precious, remember that.
Rise and shine. Guten Morgen and happy Sunday, our beloved subscribers. Masih pagi, jadi harus senyum dulu dong. Matahari nanti malas keluarin cahayanya kalau mahluk di bumi udah sedih aja pas pagi hari begini. Semangat ya untuk hari, semoga hari kalian menyenangkan. Always take care of yourself just like the sun taking care of the earth, always giving it lights so it will look shiny. Keep praying, keep hoping for a better day. Don't skip your breakfast. Don't forget to keep your spirits up high today, good luck for today, have a great day y'all. One more, you're precious, remember that.