F E Y 1 N

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personal ; @GLICOCLASSY

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kam, jangan lupa cek pinned

kam, jangan lupa cek pinned

mana ada

‘ super cuek ’

gada bucin bucin

Forward from: zodiacs of me.
📍urutan zodiak yang paling cepat baper sampai yang super cuek :

1. cancer
2. pisces
3. gemini
4. virgo
5. capricorn
6. scorpio
7. libra
8. aries
9. sagitarius
10. leo
11. aquarius
12. taurus

Forward from: zodiacs of me.
💖 zodiak bucin :

1. taurus
2. gemini
3. scorpio
4. pisces
5. virgo
6. leo

minggat sana


Forward from: BEBE' S —HIT
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asik gua paling cakep 🤩🤏

Forward from: MANYUN DULU DONG
assalamualaikum selamat siang semua, dengan nayyra di sini bininya pcy rl awh. anj banget ya gw baru bangun☹😭

ameng unmute


mahmud gada akhlak

kok di mute terus

Forward from: 24/7 of farisya
─ eh eh coba senyum, mau di cekrek nih. hehe, yang nolep dirumah mending sini deh kita berjemur kece biar kaya bule2 🤩

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