you get over them like this- at first, you can't. his name repeated over and over inside ur little brain, singing a tune to u. until ur heart gets bored of the tune that only ends up breaking u. one day at a time, u get over them when u stop searching for them in a crowd. u get over them when every love song onthe radio is just another song you get over them when every place u went is just a new place to make memories in.
one day at the time. u get over them slowly, u get over them by focusing on ur friendship, u get over them by focusing on ur family. u get over them by loving urself. u get over them by urself, not latching onto a new one. u get over them when u realize ur worth is not another person.
u thin u're over them, until u catch ight of them in a crowded Starbucks or sometimes in ur day, and u can't explain why it hurt u, u thought u were over them. until u see them and all the memories u had flushed ur head and u remember how much u miss them. one day at a time. u get over them by doing everything else u love hoping that their name will dissappear from the top of that list. u get over them when u realize they left u for a reason, and maybe that reason means the won't come back. ever. u get over them when u realize u both were reading different books but thought ur page was the same