bengkel saraf ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎

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contact : @sundday (buka kalo bangun, tutup kalo tidur)
results : @coorin

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Forward from: daa – OPEN
Hi! Dengan Pompom dari @bejirgawat di sini! 🙌
Jadi, Pompom mau open commission dengan style seperti di bawah ini!

Semi real/anime:
Traditional art:
Watercolor style:

Untuk resultnya, kalian boleh lihat di @ucingkawin ya! ^^
Kalau kalian tertarik, boleh yuk langsung chat ke @klzuato

Forward from: EINFERNAL. OPEN DISC 10-20%

Monday, 29 April
(16.00 WIB)

Results: @Diabbetes.
Contact person: @Geenos.

hfw are very appreciated, thank you 👏 feedback: @einfernalbot



Forward from: WORKFESS : SOON
Hello wolfies! As you all know I'll be one of the new interns in @WorkFess, and I'll also be looking forward in interacting with all of you soon as the base starts operating. Currently I hype Nikke, Blue Archive, PGR and HSR (kalo mau temenan in game info aja yak) and I'm also working on an arts and design business, if there's anything you want to ask about arts and design, you can come to me! As long as you all follow the rules correctly, then we're good, this has been #PRISCILIETTE, I'll see you all during my shift! :]


isi atau aku gigit 😡

up up up!

📝 isi dengan nama muse + theme yaa >____< aku terima apa aja, mau 2d, timbul, atau apapun asal kalian sebut nama lengkap!

👤 shikimori + pink pink please! (maaf sebenernya aku juga engga tau nama themenya apa..)

👤 Lee dakyung + cyberpunk

👤 bachira meguru theme elegant

👤 Eunha Viviz + deco yang make foto dia cosplay jd anya forger

👤 Ibara saegusa + elegant!

👤 Lunafreya + Elegant poetry pls

👤 Sigma cute babyboy pls

👤 Ciel phantomhive+ goth or Vampire gitu!

👤 Nam sera dari manhwa ruthless, themenya gothic vampire. Thank you

👤 marin kitagawa daily act

👤 Miyeon from G-idle poetry

👤 Ivan alien stage model

👤 ruby hoshino dollette

👤 kagamine len rotten doll :3

👥 14 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

bercanda bercanda, tapi nanti rebutan ya (kalau sudah jadi moodboardnya) soalnya kalau aku mintain @ kalian aku nggak janji bisa bikin semuaa, lalu nanti kalian sedih... kecewa... lalu ngambek sama aku...

moodboardnya bayar, gratisnya dapet aku 🍺

hlo hlo hlo, siapa mau moodboard gratis?

Bengkel saraf more like gay saraf

Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal Kak ordal

Rencananya bakal up minggu ini atau minggu depan, dan artcoms readnya kemungkinan fully rendered semua/mostly, so prepare your wallets!!


Isi guys yang males custom dan maunya ready aja :3

📝 Saran muse dong buat artcoms ready :]

👤 Kenma

👤 Chu wanning

👤 Kurapika by

👤 mw athanasia plspls pengen tek

👤 Zoro/Ace dong please :3

👤 Monkey d luffy

👤 sigewinne!

👤 lyney

👤 Freminet

👤 dr. ratio

👤 johan

👤 lucyphella aidin dari the way that knight lives as a lady.

👤 saki tenma

👤 Sakura wind breaker / paimon

👤 Miwakooo Sakuradaaa!!!!

👤 Reze

👤 Clorinde

👤 jiro

👤 march 7th plspls

👤 reze please!

👤 Noah 🛐🛐


👤 Sigma bsd 🙏🙏🙏


👤 Tatsumi kazehaya

👤 Rudbeckia kk............. dri manhwa how to get my husband on my side. Kabulin pls nnti ku kiss kak

👤 Robin hsr

👥 27 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

aku aku aku

Btw siapa mau artcoms ready!!!

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