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Ro'zimurodov Nodir Python developer
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Django v5 Datta able

Django v5 va undan katta versiyalarida ishlaydigan juda ajoyib adminka chiqarib beruvchi yangi open sourse kutubxona.

Live demo versiyasi: Demo

Bu adminkaning pro pullik versiyasini ham chiqarishga ulgurishibdi.(79$ ekan)

Pro versiya live demo: Pro Demo

Loyiha ancha zur ishlangan ekan manga yoqdi. Shu sababli birinchi uzim like bosib quydim 😎😎😎

Github link bu yerda.

P.S Loyiha yaxshi lekin hali ancha contribute qilish kerak. Endi bo’sh vaqtimizda tanishib chiqishga va contribute qilishga yaxshi ermak bor manimcha.

Endi siz Toshkentda zerikib qolsangiz qayerda ijod qilishni yoki dam olishni yaxshi bilasiz.

Botanika Bog’i

"Inside the code : A Day in the Life of a Programmer - In 1 Minutes!"

Step into the fast-paced world of programming with this thrilling glimpse into a day in the life of a programmer. In just two minutes, witness the captivating process of building software and solving complex challenges.

From dawn till dusk, follow along as I tackle coding projects, collaborate with teammates, and bring ideas to life. Experience the highs and lows of debugging, the thrill of problem-solving, and the satisfaction of seeing lines of code come together flawlessly.

In this condensed video, you'll witness the essence of a programmer's journey, showcasing their creativity, analytical thinking, and dedication. Whether you're a seasoned programmer or someone curious about the craft, this whirlwind tour promises to captivate and inspire.

So, fasten your seatbelt and prepare for a thrilling ride through "Inside the code : A Day in the Life of a Programmer - In 1 Minutes!" Are you ready to witness the magic of code unfold before your eyes? Let's dive in!

Bismillahir Rohmanir Rohiym

Assalomu alaykum!
Hozirda bo'sh vaqtlarim ko'p bo'lgani bois vaqtimni bekor sarflagim kelmadi va o'zimning shaxsiy blogimni yuritishga qaror qildim😊

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Sizlarni zeriktirib qo'ymayman degan umiddaman💪

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