
Channel's geo and language: Indonesia, Indonesian
Category: Blogs

(n). the act of تدمير: wanton destruction of a town. the condition of being destroyed ; demolition ; annihilation. cause or means of destruction.ㅤ

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Channel's geo and language
Indonesia, Indonesian
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the fact is there's something new n' whatever you say that's just a lie. thank you for reminding me that dont ever trust the humans. fuck y'all

yg kmrn blm sembuh lo udh bikin yg baru lagi, mantap

msi mndingan ren, drpd lo, lbh munafik, lebih bullshit, kata kata yg gua anggap bisa lo pegang nyatanya cuma sampah. sama aja tpi lo lbh tai. boong lo ajg, lo cuma ngsi gua pesakitan baru

lbh sakit dr yg dlu ngentd

sakit asu


ini yang udh msuk

📝 @.chmu buat masuk folder utama, buat yang kemarin2 udah isi, gausah isi lagi. buat yang belum

👤 @horohigh

👤 @Helderlicht

👤 @Halcyohn lupa udah isi apa belom

👤 @acielroomie

👤 @midnightrum

👤 @haiimekthgf

👤 @mahesa_99l

👤 @borinng

👤 @iDatejisoo

👤 @PlaceRyujin


👤 @PopokiRoOm

👤 @DangerouslyKarina

👤 @PunkyGirl

👤 @OhJueunn

👤 @iKagoshima

👤 @cigaorettes

👥 17 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Forward from: ocehan noél
leggo buat. pict + @.usn ch
kirim ke @noelniebot

Forward from: Replay
📝 drop sod buat saya

👤 spill fav person

👤 D, ganti nama channel pakai " prince ganteng avv " selama 5 menit 😄 baik kan

👤 spill ava crush

👤 spill muse fav

👤 spill muse ex

👥 5 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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siapapun kamu yg keep @Minjexongkim tolong balikin ke aku ya. aku tau kamu baik, emang bukan usn mahal atau apa, tapi tolong balikin ke @ceMinjeongBot ya. plss bgt

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