Armed with Firefox Extensions!Firefox browser is known for taking user privacy protection seriously. Below, we have listed a number of the best Firefox extensions and plugins that focus on protecting data privacy.
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uBlock Origin: This extension is a powerful ad blocker that also helps prevent tracking by blocking third-party scripts and ads that may compromise your privacy.
Privacy Badger: Developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Privacy Badger automatically blocks trackers and other third-party content that may violate your privacy.
HTTPS Everywhere: It ensures that your connection to websites is encrypted whenever possible, reducing the risk of data interception.
DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials: DuckDuckGo is known for its privacy-focused search engine, and this extension blocks hidden third-party trackers and provides a privacy grade for each website you visit.
Cookie AutoDelete: This extension automatically deletes cookies from websites you are not actively visiting, helping to limit tracking and data collection.
Decentraleyes: It locally serves common JavaScript libraries, reducing the need for websites to fetch them from external sources, which can help protect against tracking and surveillance.
NoScript Security Suite: While primarily known for its security features, NoScript can also enhance privacy by allowing you to control which scripts and content are allowed to run on websites.
Multi-Account Containers: This official Mozilla extension allows you to separate your online identities and activities into different containers, helping to prevent tracking across different websites.