As federal employees, Elon is really focused on cutting funding to our department. Not only do I have to figure out what I can say I've accomplished over the past week, but
they've taken down our primary channel too (I bet you didn't know "ban waves" are really just FBI budget cuts). They seem to have missed this one for now. Typical government incompetency.
Durov has made it clear that we aren't welcome. Those who take personal and operational security seriously should not use Telegram to communicate. We knew our time here was finite, and so we tried alternatives like
SimpleX. It didn't take long for the tens of thousands of you fine dissidents to break the app; in fact, I
still can't open SimpleX without it crashing. For small groups, it's fine, but for a big community like ours, syncing messages between every observer in the chat becomes taxing on your device.
That said, it is still the best censorship-proof option we have, so if you haven't joined our
chat and
channel, you may wish to do so. [If these links don't work for you, copy and paste the addresses into SimpleX to open them, don't mindlessly tap on the links here like a retard and wonder why you can't connect. Thank you.]
Some mods have offered to run a third iteration of the channel here, where they have agreed to self-police and only post news and FCC-compliant content. We've toyed with the idea of a Dread clone on TOR, or something Iron March-adjacent. Maybe we will. What I don't think is appropriate is to keep buying e-SIMs to churn out Telegram accounts/channels, which in turn, get blacklisted for posting "illegal content."
Of course, Telegram never specifies
what the illegal content was. If it wasn't about calling Hasidic-Americans schizophrenic, it
could have been because
the Biden administration designated the so-called "Terrorgram Collective" as terrorists, but to that I say, "how can it be a hate crime when we loved doing it?" We've been good goys and hardly
ever fedpost anymore!
😇If this is the end, it's been a hell of a run. We've been here for
six years(!) We identified a niche that was sorely unaddressed for /our guys/, and contributed what we could. I'd like to think that we helped some of you avoid the pinch of Johnny Law. The number one rule is "don't get caught," and I think it's time we take our own advice. And to be frank, we don't think our Top Secret security clearance is worth jeopardizing for the .46 TON we didn't get a chance to claim on the other channel.
Thanks to all of the cool cats who shared our content through the years. And a personal shout out to our tireless mods and jannies, who, just like us, did it for free.