Message for the fans of PewDiePie visiting this sub re:another mentioning in another manifesto
I assume you've come here in response to us shitting on PewDiePie regarding another mention of him in another shooter manifesto. There is a video called "PewDiePie is a Nazi" by hbomberguy on the top of the subreddit as of writing this message to you.
First of all, nobody attacks you personally for liking his content. It's personal preference mostly. I am bored by his content, some people hate it for it being shallow or edgy or unfunny. But we are good with you enjoying it. With some caveats, that I'll mention later :^)
I want to assure you, very small amount of people here actually think that PewDiePie is a Nazi. The consensus is mostly that he is ignorant of what goes on around him. What does that mean? That goes hand in hand in what we actually think is a problem with Felix's content - normalization of hateful rhetoric.
Nowadays memes are a way to normalize certain things in our life. That's how 4chan's /pol/ became truly racist. First, they really only joked and memed about racism, but soon enough real, actual white nationalists infest these places because for them it's not ironic, it's just a fertile ground for recruiting people. They meme, they do it as a "joke" until joke really lands.
This kind of normalization comes in waves. You watch videos that are casually racist, like "death to all jews", then you watch "destroying feminist with facts and logic", because that's what Youtube algorithm recommends. These videos can lead to real alt-right personalities. Maybe after that 4chan's /pol/ looks less like a garbage dump and more like free marketplace of ideas, where hateful rhetoric is normal. And after that it's totally plausible that *some* people can continue to radicalize even further. That is what we fear - fast radicalization of young and impressionable audience.
It's important to say, that this pipeline doesn't suck in every and each PewDiePie viewer. We don't think that every viewer is susceptible to becoming a shooter, but some do. Even if radicalizing happens to even one person and he goes on to shoot people, thinking it's the only way for "white race to survive" this pipeline is still dangerous and costs people their lives. We care about PewDiePie's fans, who might go that far.
So, please, don't think we are attacking you personally for enjoying the content we might not enjoy.
What do we want? After all PewDiePie already apologized, distanced himself from alt-right personalities on Twitter.
Well, his apology and distancing himself with "this is not what this channel is about" is flimsy at best. He deflects his failure to properly distance himself on media (which is just reporting what happens on his channel). Nobody is after PewDiePie, there's no reason to think there is some conspiracy behind it. We want for PewDiePie to once and for all and without any deflection condemn alt-right and all radicalization around his channel, which undeniably happens. This radicalization is the reason why shooters, 4chan, right-wing media loves him so much. Condemn them, stay apolitical. His channel pretends to be about memes, but real far-right ideas are circulated there. Make it really about memes. Don't repeat jokes, which are intended to be jokes that "really land". In my opinion [TomSka did it really well](, I think most people here would be satisfied if PewDiePie did something in spirit of this.
If you are a fan of PewDiePie and read it all, I want to thank you for being open minded. If you are interested in more detailed analysis of why we think PewDiePie is used as a pipeline to far-right parts of internet I recommend following videos:
[The PewDiePipeline by NonCompete](
[Decrypting the Alt-Right by Contrapoints](