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dadah ganteng @.ChanOyeoL

Forward from: Hello..:
want to sell this username with buy one get one free khusus hari ini.

@kimuaehyung 30k

— Free @jeonjeonggkk
— payment only dana & qris (+1k)
— negotiable allowed

contact : @LimTaehyung

under hb

200 deh buat hari ini


@ KimJenniwe sold 🥳

siapa mau @Miyeonw 250k?? @LyscaRobot baru dipindahin akun.

Happy Independence Day, Indonesia 🇮🇩🎉

Forward from: flowyn gallery's
[ moots help fw, thank you ]

hello @lovivng is looking for new mutuals esp. gallery usn and main acc only, kindly contact @nnareshkabot

@hParkJoy un booked, ambil deh 13k aja


Forward from: Jey
@minjono based on Minjoo ufs with fix price 70k still negotiable. nyicil/booked iss allowed.
payment via Dana, Spay, Gopay, and Qris (+1k). hit @HyewonKaang or @yerwibot if u interested ♡!


@ KimWiwnter sold, thanks J

dadah @ dKimWinter

Forward from: ま < Nay 's property し
ま < Nay 's property し, [12/8/21, 2:33 pm]
Usn mulchar engglish

Just 2.OOO - 5.OOO / usn ! Take banyak bole nego

@ruugged b.o rugged (kasar)
@breakinng b.o breaking (nyelanggar)
@slippeery b.o slippery (licin)
@huurted b.o hurted (tersakiti)
@mwarried b.o married (menikah)
@mawrried b.o married (menikah)
@rejeect b.o reject (menolak)
@spermwa b.o sperma
@hwurts b.o hurts (sakit)
@mrarried b.o married
@accorrding b.o according (menurut
@togethwer b.o together (bersama)
@dahrkness b.o darkness (kegelapan)
@drawying b.o drawing (menggambar)
@approoach (pendekatan)
@wdrawing b.o drawing
@strawberwy b.o strawberry
@brweak b.o break ( Merusak)
@llisted b.o listed (terdaftar)

Usn Mulchar bahasa

Just 1.OOO — 3.OOO / usn
@ngesussahin @senngaja @ngesussahin @menduakkan @diaajakin
@diajakkin @kepikkiran
@ninnggalin @nikahhin @berbbelanja @ngeleppas @keinggat @tiindihin
@ditingggal @ngepelluk @ressep @ngebelli @massakin @@mengguunakan
@ngelaamar @ngedesaah @leepasin @llepasin @lepassin @lepaasin @menggambbar @nggelamar @jatuhhin @pukkulin @nggedesah @desaahin @llepasin @lepaasin @lepassin @ngelaamar @ngekoccok @ngejualiin @dessahin @ngeliriik

☎️ / @nayxkece_bot

ada yg mau @Defalcate ( Menyalahi Kepercayaan ) OP only 12.000 ga? chat @LyscaRobot yaa

moots help fw dongg :((

Forward from: 𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥S 𝗦𝗧ORE

@ jennie @ kimtaehfung @ Taehyung @KfimWinter @KdimWinter @KidmWinter

tags : Kim Taehyung, Taehyung Kim, Jennie Kim, and Kim Winter.

Contact person @WJEON.

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