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𝐏ainting a picture of the world with all imagination, developed, and explored further. To feel it all, now we are here to help you with 𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 things. From 07.00-23.00 we are open for everyone.
ᨒ Contact : @SheppartonBot
ᨒ Testi : @sheppatesti

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Yuk ikut hirminnya

Forward from: RisolMun's open recruitment!
[for anyone who sees this, boleh help fw? thank you so much!]

Ello, Risolies! Good news for all of you guys, cause the RisolMun is open recruitment for those who want to be the admin of this base. So are you ready to be a part of us? but before registering, it'd be nice if u read some of the rules that we've set:

✰. Wajib subs @RisolMun.
✰. Wajib menjaga nama baik RisolMun dan rahasia grup/sender.
✰. Mendaftar menggunakan akun utama, bukan side akun ataupun akun mata-mata.
✰. Khusus untuk akun tipe CYBER atau BUSINESS yang tidak dalam masa sibuk atau kelas akhir maupun skripsi.
✰. Bukan termasuk pribadi yang suka mencari masalah atau bermasalah.
✰. Memegang max. 2 channel BA (jika business akun)
✰. Easy going, sabar dan humble kepada para subscribers.
✰. Bisa bekerjasama dengan admin lain.
✰. Bisa menerima kritik dan saran, bertanggungjawab, rajin, niat, berkomitmen, ga cepu, spy, bukan mata-mata dan ga baperan.
✰. Share ke channel pribadi/channel yang kalian punya. Kalau ga punya ngga usah share ya.

If you agree to all the rules above, please fill out the form below and grab your ticket!

Hello bello RisolMun admins! I want to submit the registration form and here we go!
• Your name:
• ID (user):
Are you ready for the interview?

And the last one, send it to @RisolMunBot. Grab your ticket a.s.a.p cause there are only a few slots! after that you just've to wait for further confirmation from the admins, thank you.

Forward from: recha’s gallery

@Taeyonlgee bo taeyong lee 15k
@YehShuhuga bo yeh shuhua 15k
@parkchaeryoung bo Park chaeryoung 25k

all negotiable, siap tf owner, via dana or gopay.
☎️ @RechaHelpBot

Forward from: Poppin Fleus. ROMBAK
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[ To all our BA mutuals or anyone who sees this message. Can you help us forward this message to your business channel? It means a lot to us & thanks a lot in advance 💗! ]

Lucky world there are moons and dramatic rainbows. Without them, the world causes the unknown. Destroyed the misguided darkness of sorrow.
Moving forward, approaching the serenity that accompanies, sharing happiness, unfortunately to some degree.
Dreamed thing. Up to level, forward, closer towards @bouthrine to the level you accommodate, usually the metal feels the presence of the moon and rainbow clearly.
The method is quite easy, some examples:

. Telegram Verification
. Other Apps Verification
. Premium Application
. Zepeto Needs
. Games Top-Up
. Jastip, Joktug, Jastul
. Upsubs, Upfoll, Upviews

We are open on June 29, 7.30 pm. Do not miss! Present temporarily, when the bearer of your happiness.
Visit @bouthrine to present your presence to @bouthrinerobot

Halo open lagi yaa janlupa baca tnc dulu okay, have a nice day

Forward from: 𝕬rtsthetic, tomorrow.
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Ding dong! Aurum is open for #ArtsIcons!

Buat yang mau order, langsung send format kalian ke @TheArtsthetics. Jangan lupa buat baca TNC dan notes-nya terlebih dahulu, yaaa.

Halo kita open lagi ya, jan lupa sebelum beli baca tnc, have a nice day👍

Open lagi y, yok yg mw jajan marie🙏🙏😎

Heyoow pagie nie

Forward from: Mundane Base

#Muncol mun.. ada yang tinggal di daerah Kalimantan Utara ngga? Please help me, bawa aku sama adik aku kemana aja terserah asal jangan sama bunda, aku diusir dari rumah karena hal sepele yang adik aku lakuin, dia dipukul habis habisan sama bunda. Aku gak tega, badannya luka luka semua, siapapun tolong aku. Ayah gabisa buat apa apa, ayah juga takut sama bunda. 🥺🥺

Utk wp prem nya close dlu yah

Ap iyh kgj jajan🤔

Open lagi niee😜😜

Yuhuuu pagii guyss

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