La Cienega.

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Amara, cale sama miera isi ini

📝 Yang isi diatas drop @ dah

Yewoviele.: @Yewkn trimsss hehe

Amara: @flowersluff

Charles ⦮ ⦯: @OzhngChenle mau :]

Binar.: @hyeewovn iya makasih

Gabriel.: @renjunime mau

イrg. Kareina #RJPNHIRMIN: @Ikarienn 😁

Efredith Habelion: @BichounFrise hm

Hendaru.: @LeeDonghyuak

Hadrian: @raHaechann

Kayla Z. Hadestec: @jeonsomia trims😻

Allena: @MinjuHi5

👥 11 people have voted so far.
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📝 Siapa pacar w?

Hendaru.: Kaya punya pacar aja

Kayla Z. Hadestec: w bleh dha

Efredith Habelion: W

Mierarararara: Karina kan

Hadrian: yntkts

cale: bkn w

Amara: karina

イrg. Kareina #RJPNHIRMIN: Popo bobay

Allena: Gwah

👥 9 people have voted so far.
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In the darkness of the night sky filled with stars. The interior of the house that feels dark and dimly lit lights that adorn. Even so, it seems trying to support someone to have a light clue to walk out. Candles installed on a cake filled with sweet cream. The house is decorated to look beautiful even though it feels dark. A small party but looks luxurious held. Special day for someone who was born with a lot of blessing for the surrounding person. He stood upright and walked on his charm. His sharp eyes displayed that he was very happy today. He is brave and strong like a lion. The determination is always strong to achieve the goals he wants. His spirit never receded even though he had to pass many difficult obstacles. He was born as a great, strong, and kind person.

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— Due to @telegram's privacy policy, this channel and account has nothing to do with MARK LEE and i declare that i'm not the real MARK LEE from SM ENTERTAINMENT in real-life. This channel was creared for roleplayer puposes only. All media on this channel is purely from Instagram, pinterest, Twitter, google and other platfrom.

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