Stumble Rent, hiring anak lanang.

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Jumping to get to the winner’s position is the goal. Before asking or anything about talent, please remember our working hours 09:00 AM — 09:00 PM.
Cashier: @StumbleRentBot
Mutual purpose: @StumbleRentMutualbot
Proof’s: @StumrentProof

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Bosen, main board kayaknya enak.

👤 maksudnya mention which agency you are itu gimana

👤 potongannya kira kira berapa persen

👤 blom ada pnglmn gk apaoa?

👤 yang masih minor boleh ikut hirtal ga?

👤 Pada jamet ga?🤔🤔

👤 masih hiring female talent gak??

👤 nanti ada trainee? kalo ada nanti trainee nya kaya gimanaa

Isi lagi yuk. Free oot tapi tolong kesopanannya ya.

pagiii mbel's💗

Tanya lagi yuks. Dijawab besok ya.

Camat malam. Semoga ntar malem ada yang ngucapin kalian ily.

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