Star Wars Sticker Packs | Звёздные войны стикеры | JTA Family

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This channel is entrance to private collection of all "Star Wars" stickers packs across the Telegram! 🌠
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Sticker pack Info:

Name: Для @mstwars от @jta_official.
ies: #quotes.
Staring: #everyone.
Sticker count: 12.
Lang: #russian 🇷🇺.

Sticker pack Info:

Name: Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures.
Categories: #talk.
Staring: #everyone.
Sticker count: 86.
Lang: #russian 🇷🇺.

Sticker pack Info:

Name: Создатели ЗВ @starwarsgreat.
Staring: #creators.
Sticker count: 51.
Lang: #russian 🇷🇺.

Sticker pack Info:

Name: Rey @createvety.
s: #shots.
Staring: #everybody.
Sticker count: 40.
Lang: #nolang.

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Sticker pack Info:

Name: Galaxy of Adventures.
Categories: #shots.
Staring: #everybody.
Sticker count: 30.
Lang: #english 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

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Sticker pack Info:

Name: Ahsoka Trailer 2.
Categories: #shots.
Staring: #everybody.
Sticker count: 38.
Lang: #english 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

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Sticker pack Info:

Name: Ahsoka Trailer.
Categories: #shots.
Staring: #everybody.
Sticker count: 45.
Lang: #english 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.

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