Most Newspaper Television are just fake promoting bullshit or only with money in mind, not our planet (BILD / STRG_F / Italian)

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Veel media in het buitenland grijpen haar zelfgekozen dood aan om te wijzen op het al dan niet falen van het Nederlandse euthanasiebeleid. Maar veel van die media nemen een loopje met de feiten

Many media abroad seize her self -chosen death to point out whether or not the Dutch euthanasia policy failure. But many of those media take a walk with the facts.

🤦‍♂️ when 🇳🇱 is mostly the only decent country in 🇪🇺 and other 🇪🇺 countries talk about 🇳🇱 ...

Ze schreef erover in haar boek ‘Winnen of leren’, dat vorig jaar uitkwam. Het was in zekere zin een bundeling van een dagboek dat ze jaren bijhield. In het boek staat onder andere dat ze op jonge leeftijd was aangerand en verkracht. Uit schaamte en angst zou ze het seksueel misbruik lange tijd verborgen hebben gehouden.

She wrote about it in her book "Winning or Learning", which came out last year. In a sense, it was a bundle of a diary that she kept for years. The book states, among other things, that she had been assaulted and raped at a young age. Out of shame and fear, she would have hidden the sexual abuse for a long time.

Er zijn allerlei pogingen gedaan om haar van de zware depressie af te helpen, maar die therapieën hadden niet het juiste effect.

All kinds of attempts have been made to help her get rid of the heavy depression, but those therapies did not have the right effect.

Er is uiteindelijk geen euthanasie gepleegd, toch schrijven veel internationale media wel dat dit het geval was. Zo kopte de Independent: 'Tiener die meerdere keren seksueel is mishandeld, eindigt haar eigen leven door legale euthanasie'. Veel media hebben de berichten inmiddels aangepast.

In the end, no euthanasia was committed, yet many international media do write that this was the case. For example, the Independent headed: "Teen who has been sexually abused several times, ends her own life through legal euthanasia." Many media have now adjusted the messages.

Nature Climate Change by Springer Science Journal and Carbon Brief on Telegram by GRT : Pubmedgram, Pubmed on Tg

The Guardian News Independent Journalism on Telegram by GRT : Environment / Climate crisis / Wildlife / Energy / Pollution

Telegram is Green News by GRT : Bloomberg Green / Euronews / BBC / AP Climate / Euractiv Energy & Environment / Electrek / etc.

Forward from: GenRevolution Telegram Announcements
We talked a lot of bad journalists writing tons of bullshit. Well now is time to share which in our opinion is one of the best.

Many times when we search scientific informations we check who shared similar informations too. Exactly like we test which bullshit ChatGPT
is saying us, about what we just searched with NO artificial intelligence! because AI is mostly just 💩 for lazy people who prefer to do bad works (except serious professional under extreme workflows, but will NEVER be able to replace humans quality!)

Well, we noticed that The Guardian is one of these. With that we are not saying they are perfect, because we don't follow them at all. But this is what we noticed with science and important infos many journalists just IGNORE!

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