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Forward from: Hometermia
The Georgia Guidestones, the granite structure erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia USA by unknown means, has been bombed, bulldozed and fully leveled after 42 years of standing.

The 10 Inscriptions, acting in place to the Ten Commandments and written in the eight most popular universal languages, reads out similarly to the misanthropic NWO's Agenda 2030 involving eugenics, depopulation, babelism, unilingualism & uniracialism and adopting a one world hegemony in full power over world affairs. It seems to be that people have had enough of this war against Man and revolt against The New World Order, the Antichrist by destroying this monument once and for all.

Forward from: The Worst Of Society
Think about it. Stay healthy. Stay pure

Forward from: Hometermia
I returned after finishing Wisdom of Sirach to witness Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of All Charges!
Bless this kid, and Bless the Lord Almighty, for He was with Kyle!

Forward from: Hometermia
We give thanks to all of our subscribers of Hometermia, and we give thanks to the Lord & Savior who died for our sins and arose in his Resurrection.

We hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday and spend time with your loved ones and celebrate this beautiful day of Spring.

Excerpt of the Nicene Creed:

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
The only Son of God,
Begotten from the Father before all ages,
Light of Light,
Very God of Very God,
Begotten, not made;
Of the same essence as the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
He came down from heaven;
He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,
And was made human.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
He suffered and was buried.
The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended to heaven
And is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again with glory
To judge the living and the dead.
His Kingdom will shall have no end.


Forward from: Hometermia
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Why is Ohio bisexual?

Forward from: Hometermia
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

I wish you all a wonderful & blessed day, for the families who come together to celebrate the traditional Holiday; yet for those who sometimes unfortunately can't do so (because of COVID or threats of arrest) I wish you the best of luck and to know what you should be most thankful for this day, for the family and friends who've stuck by your side during these times. Even if you don't have anyone in particular to celebrate with, We at Hometermia want you know that you are never allow, for the Lord is always with you, and We share this day with you too.

2 Corinthians 4:15-16
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

Peace and Blessings Everyone, Have a Good Day 🙏🏻

Forward from: Hometermia
On this day, October 9th marks Leif Erikson Day

The day to commemorate the Icelandic Explorer who was the first European to have set foot & colonized North America; Erikson's Vinland colony (now modern Newfoundland) was the first attempted colony by Europeans into the New World 5 centuries before Christopher Columbus attempted his own exploration & expansion. Vinland was founded area the year 1010AD and lasted a few years before the colonial population dwindled, either from abandoning, constant attacks by Native American tribes or of lack of supplies

In Honor of Leif Erikson, 970-1020

The victims were all Jewish actually

suck nigger dick you paki faggots



#سـتديـو_سـڪول ˢᶜʰ)

ﭑلحـږب حـږبـٱ يـٱښادۿہﯛﭑنـٱﭑ ﭑلـښاحۿہ بٱڪملۿـٱﭑ†.

-تفليش كروبات ، بعص قنوات ، وطش الفروخ الي يحاولو يصيرون كفوو 🖤🦅

رابط القناة - @SCH_1

#سـتديـو_سـڪول ˢᶜʰ)

ﭑلحـږب حـږبـٱ يـٱښادۿہﯛﭑنـٱﭑ ﭑلـښاحۿہ بٱڪملۿـٱﭑ†.

-تفليش كروبات ، بعص قنوات ، وطش الفروخ الي يحاولو يصيرون كفوو 🖤🦅

رابط القناة - @SCH_1

#سـتديـو_سـڪول ˢᶜʰ)

ﭑلحـږب حـږبـٱ يـٱښادۿہﯛﭑنـٱﭑ ﭑلـښاحۿہ بٱڪملۿـٱﭑ†.

-تفليش كروبات ، بعص قنوات ، وطش الفروخ الي يحاولو يصيرون كفوو 🖤🦅

رابط القناة - @SCH_1


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