I feel wonderful every morning, finding yourself greeting me every morning finding yourself sweetly waiting for me, and realizing that you're mine and I'm already yours. I really like the little things we do, talk about things until we lose track of time, whether that's normal or absurd tho. And I don't believe this has been going on for one month, what an amazing accomplishment between us! Meeting you like my fortune for this year, dedicates a lot of love to me, an award most worthy to me. I feel happy and fulfilled every time I spend time with you, I'm proud to spend my precious time with someone special. Seeing your smile and hearing the tune of your laugh makes me feel like I'm the happiest human being here. I hope it will continue like this, flowing and even become broad and great. You are the best and most beautiful person I have, the brightest star I could reach out to and reach out all night long. Every night I admire your worth more than anything, look I've been rambling on about this silly but it's fact. Thank you for coming to me in the time I need someone, such as the blessing of being your one and only. You are a piece of the puzzle and a part of me that I need to complete me.