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Forward from: GALAXY BASE.
[] Sebagai aksi menyebarkan informasi kepada teman-teman yang ada di sini, maka untuk sementara dan setidaknya sampai 27 Agustus 2024 yang akan datang, maka Galaxy Base akan beroperasi menggunakan identitas Garuda biru. Apabila dirasa hal ini tidak sesuai dengan moral yang kalian anut, kalian diperbolehkan untuk berhenti berlangganan pada kanal kami dan tidak menggunakan layanan dari kami. Atas perhatiannya, terima kasih.

Forward from: GALAXY BASE.
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Nggak akan menggunakan embel-embel apapun, yang kami mau hanyalah menyebarkan berita tentang gentingnya kondisi yang tengah berlangsung di negara ini. Perjuangan kita tidak hanya di masa lalu, tidak hanya di masa sekarang, namun juga untuk masa depan yang digadang emas itu. Kita adalah bagian dari semua ini; suka maupun tidak, ingin maupun tidak, dan langsung maupun tidak.

Tidak akan ada #PeringatanDarurat jika memang tidak ada hal darurat yang perlu kita gunjing dengan kuat. Kami paham sampai mana batas kami sebagai sebuah platform yang tujuannya bukan untuk kepentingan dunia 'nyata', namun bukankah kita yang bersembunyi di balik identitas fana kita juga punya sesuatu yang nyata untuk diperjuangkan? Silahkan abai jika ingin, silahkan ikut FOMO asal credible jika peduli.

We're here to fight. We're here to use our platform. We're here to educate each other. We're in this together for our country.

Sebarkan tagar yang benar, viralkan informasi yang genting! Jangan sampai tertukar dengan #KawalPutuskanMK.

Forward from: WRP COMMUNION
Police clash with protesters over Indonesia law change #KawalPutusanMK #TolakPolitikDinasti

On Wednesday, Indonesia's top court ruled that parties would not need a minimum 20% of representation in their regional assemblies in order to field a candidate. Yet within 24 hours, parliament tabled an emergency motion to reverse these changes - a move which has sparked widespread condemnation and fears of a constitutional crisis. A vote on the fast-tracked legislation, which would reverse parts of the court's ruling, was postponed on Thursday because there were not enough MPs present. passed, it would maintain the status quo, which favours parties in the ruling coalition of the outgoing president, Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, and his successor, Prabowo Subianto. As a result, many local elections are expected to be uncontested affairs.

Forward from: Cartier la Famille. #ChristmasTime! 🎄
Thank you to our beloved mutuals who have helped raise awareness. We hope that everyone will be awakened by the political developments and the critical situation facing our country, Indonesia. Remember, no one is safe; everything is at stake right now. We urgently need you, the citizens of Indonesia, to stay focused on the issues being fought for. It's time to break out of the comfort of your own bubble. Stay informed and engaged with the events that happened around us because the consequences extend beyond today or even this generation—our future is on the line.

This is a call to action, not just for ourselves but for the generations to come. Let's rise together, united and vigilant, to ensure that this country is one where justice, freedom, and prosperity thrive. The time to act is now, for we all share the responsibility of shaping the destiny of our nation.

⚠️ Spread this news in any platforms you have counted as an act of resistance. ⚠️

"Jangan bawa topik ranah rl ke ranah rp" yeah right. Paspor lu paspor dari negara mana? Indonesia kan? Kartu tanda penduduk lu tuh dikeluarin dari negara mana? Indonesia kan? Lu, orang tua lu atau orang-orang terdekat lu bayar pajak kemana? Kejahatan yang sedang terjadi efeknya bukan untuk 5 tahun dari sekarang aja, semua keturunan kalian nanti juga kena dinasti JW ini. Buat yang tidak bisa ikut demo, bisa banget loh spread your voices through all the social media platforms.

🖇 another explanation tentang apa yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia.

#PeringatanDarurat #KawalKeputusanMK

We all are citizens of Indonesia before playing a role in this realm. So please do use your voices and share the #PeringatanDarurat. How could you not be disturbed by the situation?

Buat orang-orang diluar sana yang masih menutup mata atau belum aware dengan apa yang sedang terjadi di Indonesia, silahkan check thread ini and WAKE UP.

Forward from: The Junk of Prose.
No longer roleplaying, but this channel will serve as a platform for my hatred toward the government, as I believe everyone here is Indonesian. So, I hope everyone who supports Jokowi and his entire family will experience the everlasting taste of leather and dirt on your tongue, the bitterness that should be burning in your soul. For supporting democracy and nepotism that coexist so seamlessly, like a match made in political heaven. I hope you who remaining this blind and apathetic, thinking that those people can save you with a mere free lunch, will make you strave—starving for something that doesn’t come at the price of your soul because you are about to bleed the entire nation dry. I am filled with hatred and am capable of doing more, wallahi. Shame on you for supporting this bloated caricature of greed.

Forward from: ENGLISH FESS
#EngRants. There are so many rumors in X (Twitter), mostly about cheating of a selebgram. But what should be seen is the Revisi RUU Pilkada that's happening now. There are too many irregularities that are tailored for power and seat in the government. The MK's decision was played by the DPR for political dynasties. The 'Surat Presiden' that has been drafted. Again, age revision to make certain someone enter the government easier. Don't be apathetic. 'Politics is not important, it doesn't affect the little people,'. How much tax do you want to pay? Taxes are determined by politics. The economy is determined by politics. EVERYTHING IS DETERMINED BY OUR GOVERNMENT, POLITICS. Don't be apathetic, you're WNI, you're supposed to care. You are social human beings. Apathy is despicable. For those who want to find more details, you can search the hashtag #.TolakPilkadaAkal2an #.KawalPutusanMK on Twitter. Please don't close your eyes. Our country is in our hands, too. Open your eyes.

August sipped away like a bottle of wine.

The Cartiers are getting featured at Splash News today. Which one is your favorite? Amu's alluring charm or Airee's hip movement?

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#SplashAd Heejin take up belly dancing again, many years after she last did it as a child. When she rewatched old videos of her childhood.

#SplashAd Im Jin-Ah is featured on the exclusive anniversary cover of Cosmopolitan Korea for their September 2024 issue, in collaboration with @maxmara.

Forward from: Through Hugo’s Mind.
Blimey. My puppy is devastatingly adorable.

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