── ✧ Zoey

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tenma, liebert, heinemann,

help fw moots :P

📝 drop ur t.me/

👤 t.me/celiicel

👤 t.me/OhMarkGalau

👤 t.me/hwanggssinb

👤 t.me/iMinjukimr

👤 t.me/wJenorpw

👤 t.me/pejjooy

👤 t.me/iYerieme

👤 t.me/uarghi

👤 t.me/iKariecna

👤 t.me/VJJENNlEE

👤 t.me/nctjjhxxx

👤 t.me/mylocalwinter

👤 t.me/mm4dbunny

👤 t.me/jennieqnj

👤 t.me/harzztt

👤 t.me/GoyounJjun9

👤 t.me/Pwettycicci

👤 t.me/SyinRyujien

👤 t.me/lovelyghania

👤 T.me/heaverLy

👥 20 people have voted so far.
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👤 gbsa tidur

put down your phone, go to the bad and try to close your eyes, jangan ada pikiran ovt bawa santai aja pasti lama" ngantuk

Zoey pacar Yoshi

iya bilang iya

👤 nai jodoh haruto yekann

iyeee, zoey pacar yoshi yakan?

besok main board ya? :P

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