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Forward from: The obedient blossoms —
💎 세븐틴의 마에스트로. As the anticipation grew to a fever pitch, Seventeen made their triumphant return as seasoned veterans with their latest masterpiece, "MAESTRO." The group exuded confidence and maturity in every aspect of their performance, proving that they had truly come into their own as men. With strong vocals, intricate choreography, and powerful lyrics, Seventeen commanded the stage with a commanding presence that CARAT in awe.

They greet their audience and fans with resounding cheers and applause, it is evident that Seventeen has officially solidified their place as leading figures especially for : Hadley (Me), Galileo, Gaffa, Kahfi, Marco, Sergio, Isaiah, Northeast, Bintang, Miyano, River, Jeiro, Bhumi, Bimasena, Southeast, Rivet Monrtell, Mahesa, Jade, Langit, Reinan, Hanan, Abraham, Wiesesa, Winara, Albert, Yasa, Jewon, Abidzan, Walter, Matthias, Amsal, Jackson, Hams, Nehemiah, Theodore, Raphael, Marfé, Gaverion, Viggo, Helio, Leonardo, Klaus, Damian, Shaka, Ardanu, Cathrinel, Hakata, Wiraatmaja, Ray, Wilody, Dama, Harsaka, Demioth, Aeight, Lovell, Mahardhika, Galen, Gloriv, Elias, Damian Allerick, and Harley.

Prepare to be mesmerized by their talent and presence as Seventeen takes center stage once again with cherish.

Their growth since debut was palpable; gone were the boys unsure of themselves, replaced by men who knew exactly who they were and what they wanted to convey through their music. "MAESTRO" showcased Seventeen's evolution into true masters of their craft, solidifying their status as one of most formidable acts.

Forward from: Sajak Bumi.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤ {🎻} ... Nada-nada diramu membentuk sebuah alunan syahdu nan menyejukkan kalbu. Suaranya mengalun merdu bak embusan anila yang menyentuh daksa manusia; memberikan ketenangan serta sensasi yang begitu luar biasa. Tiga belas jejaka penuh karisma kembali unjuk pesona dengan gagahnya mahkota nan terletak pada puncak kepala. Sorak-sorai penuh harsa menyambut kehadirannya. Selamat atas karya terbaru nan menyejukkan kalbu himpunan Seventeen dan seluruh pemeraganya, diistimewakan untuk: Khalif Aldric Osmar, Nakastra Gunandya Wicaksana, Alver Marvelino, Ardanu Rama Bintang, dan Abiel Gideon E.

Ratu Chandramaya.


Forward from: MINGYU — 김.
[..] a piece occasionally that i keeped for something greatest,
symbolism goes been something that pointed in the direction. tones carry by the hearts; relishes to beholdings in the turning enthusiast. ⤾

❝ ..await’s arrival that coming effervescent by the time, you must getting the memorable side experiences it coming to deserved attention and successes. find the heartstrings of perfection that coming in this seventeen comeback. find the refinement ❅ by delighted courages where the scintillations will
be lined and showed the triumph. hope today comeback can makes a happiest things. ♩ .. allure will be entwine and entered as something energized. flapping the appearings to saying a precious words to seventeen rp-ers foremost gleamings.

Gaverion, Abian, Galuhpati, Diaz, Langit, Gloriv, Andrew, Alaric, George, Minore, Matthias, Mahesa. Southeast Iñigo, Bimasena, Zaikhal, Matt, Jean, Wonuya, Demioth, Jahzeel, Dikaf, Jeremiah, Gideon, Wilody, Shuanandika, Janephie, Mahesa, Albert Hansfoth, Calvin, Jelheric, Milland, Lembayung, Aeight Himmory, Jelodie, Hanan, Mikhaela, Jairo, Milan, Fajar Adipta, Hakata, Gaffa Lue, Ganri, Bryant Winchester, Hanggi, Richie, Gentara, Josbornd, Damian, Jehian, Jericho, Ersya, Vauxhaill, Amsal Willman, Galileo, Damian Hendrick, Segara Alam, James, Raynsford, Cathrinel, Kaisar, Wiesesa Zeeshan, Matthieu, Zev, Viggo, Jian, Ardanu, Miyano Onumi, Valeryan, Jade Sievert, Walter, Sergéant, Miguel, Abimanyu, Abay, Narkobar, Theodore Lionel, Ellison, Sebastian, Jericson, Abelion, Harsaka, Maffandra, DharaBhumi, Shankara, Kenzi, Mouri, Adam Viscoce Couthlace, Jaimee Cassiel, River, Lovell, Sadjiwa, Wanara, Northeast, Isaac Leigh, JD, Jerioh, Demetrio, Zureh Kiefer, Malik, Garfield, Harmonia and Lorenzo.

enjoy your comeback’s, shared the most moment to be incredible. ☾

Forward from: WONWOO — 전
29 April 2024


In this hottest day, Pledis official have uploaded the new project from they boygroup's SEVENTEEN. Our member look more shinner than the sun in their music video, Maestro!

Don't forget to appreciate their masterpiece by stream in all platform!


And also, in this message I wanna say congratulation to all of SEVENTEEN potrayers especially,
Demioth @Dokyeow,
Gideon @bhoId,
Dikaf @LeeeDokyeom,
Bimasena @MImgyuk,
Wilody @Wyonwoo,
Janephie @jeonghanb,
Jerioh @MingayuKim,
Calvin @iswonu,
Glair @aJeonghn,
Albert Hansforth @Mingooy,
Jelheric @Jundhui,
Milland @ndominants,
Abay @mjngoo,
Arkatama Aji @kMingyhu,
Lembayung @poelik,
Aeight Himmory @Myeeongho,
Wanara @JeonWonnwoo,
Gaffa @Wonwmoo,
Abim @LeeDokpeom,
Jelodie @Geombul,
Hanan @YoonJeonghann,
Greggory Milan @Jeonghannihae,
Khael @Jeonhhan,
Segara Alam @epnulis,
J. Winston @prndendam,
Lorentz @kimifng,
Hakata @SuperDokyeom,
Yasa @jeonwonwioo,
Saddam Malik @dangerouszman,
Abian @mingeyo,
Elias @vHoshi,
Yannes @goorreumseng,
Galuhpati @mi9yukm,
Jeehan @JeoynghanYoon,
Mingiyu @hi_mingyu,
Walter @wonswo,
Lorenzo Blevyns @uPendekaar,
Grayson @chwue,
Suhel @arroganqt,
Joseph @Padska,
Zhen @iaRumpang,
B. Wiratama @prcoduser,
Sabeigh @coupsn,
Hadson Miguel @PadukaG,
Jevior @Mwngyu,
Kevin @hantsolw,
Gabri Wijaya @wweonu,
Chandika @choisngchi,
Wonuya @aeveryonewoo,
Sabian @sabianchandra,
Bryant Winchester @Minkgoo,
Maekala @iYoonJeonghan,
Hanggi @Dyoonjhan,
Jeremiah @Jeonhgan,
Radhika @Deokyeomq,
Abinawa @jeunhui,
Adam @mincgyu,
Gentara @isunegaara,
Jeden @speramM,
River @iUYGNIM,
Jehian @Proklarmasi,
Arselio @bSeungkwn,
Ersya @LeeDokyeomx,
Jeiro @Jefnghan,
Keenan @iIIecebrosus,
Abelyon @svtjeonwonu,
Rigel @iJunhui_s,
Sergio @scoxups,
Asher @kiyowc,
Jaimee @jeonthan,
Hadley Luevine @Jeoinghan,
Matias @zcoups,
Marvelo, @yMingyut,
Amsal Willman @Scooups,
Galileo @iScoups,
Jericson @Junhua,
J Harrison @zjeonghanie,
Wilson @wonw0os,
Malik @Junehuic,
Marfé @nWonwoo,
Hosea @KwonSoinyoung,
Willbert @willscoth,
Isaac @Jeonghaxn,
Gaverion @Mingmyu,
Miyano Onumi @WonwooB,
Abelion @JeonWonwooH,
James @KimdMingyu,
Jairo @jichangwoox,
Raynsford @Serkmin,
Shiho @Seunggkwan,
Langit @Miungyu,
Kaisar @cJoshuaHongg,
Jian @Jeongdhan,
Zev @xWoozi,
Wiesesa Zeeshan @Wonwof,
Gibran @starue,
Victor @VernonChoei,
Raphael @junhwii,
Samudra @exescoups,
Jainendra @Tikuusruk,
Danes @KimMingyue,
Marcello @KhmMingyu,
Niscala @jodshuahongf,
Owen @Creehp,
Dilan @Fireehouse,
Demetrio @wMAY0R,
Lionel @Jeonqhant,
Harvaz @kwpnhoshi,
Sanje @Jezongguk,
Morgan @Hgorn,
Ashlan @wonuthings,
Lian @Maoushama,
Ardanu @wonwoouq,
RICTHER @Mkngyu,
Jerhan @jeongzhan,
Mahesa @leteseokmin,
Cathrinel @wonwos,
Jade @aHoranghae,
Sadjiwa Kawiswara @wonwoc,
Abima @choi95s,
Damian @jDokyeom,
Miguel @lMingyuf,
Margash @Aktpol,
Sadikta @sadkta,
Nathanial @wonwwoojeon,
Abimanyu @vhansoll,
Vasco @Hansolb,
Mouri @vjeonghan,
Samuel @KimMicgyu,
Benrickus + @handjvob,
Dimas @zmingyyu,
Nathan @dainose,
Harsaka @ijoshuahng,
Sebastian @scoupo,
Bhumi @JeonnWomwoo,
Shankara @Scoupsh,
Vicosce Courthlace @WoziLee

Best Regards,
Abian @wonuuoo

Forward from: emerald scripted: moonlight.
Throughout tremendous yet tranquil day, the shaking symposiums hearken upon buoyant ears, about the formidable psyches who's come whlist bring an extravagant tensions, ouevere environment around this time illuminescne by their ways. Beholding an Avant-garde opus, i, hearken maestro, symphony brimming, utter towards this huge spheres, being gargantuan thaumaturgy, awakening the legends "17 IS RIGHT HERE—MAESTRO" extended their own gate, paved the way to show up within hazardous yet amazeballs comebacks. Kicking out an lowest aim about this art, prove that these syllables admist melodic tones, devoured whole galaxy. Leading you atwixt violin verses within technological concept-AI, wrapped an analogous theorem, this comeback was told us, the rapturous, an impenetrable enfranchisement, would poise, mesmerism the oddments of masses whom seizing their performance, snug depth, leaving voluminous reminiscence.

behest an ecsastic phrases in the name of: SEVENTEEN POTRAYALS. that turn up-beatitude within this magnanimous comeback, i wish every goodness thereupon an mv dropped, could oueveres though succesfull yet unforgotten moment at this occasions.

Forward from: Chronicles of 'Innocuous Morphic.

With boundless admiration and unwavering support, we stand poised to embrace Seventeen's triumphant return, heralded by the majestic symphony of their comeback, "𝗠𝗔𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗢." As they beckon us into the realm of their musical mastery, 𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 emerges as the vanguard in the battle between artificial intelligence and the sanctity of authentic melodies. In their latest teaser, aptly titled "𝗠𝗔𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗢." they paint a vivid tableau of the conflict, with members arrayed in red and blue, symbolizing the clash between AI and original music. Through poignant imagery, they illustrate the struggle against the encroaching dominion of AI over the art of music, a battle waged with fervor and finesse.

Let us raise our voices in jubilation as 𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡, once more, graces us with their unparalleled prowess and ingenuity.
Special commendation is due to;
Marco, Sergio, Amsal, Galileo, Galen, Hardikta, Frederick, Sebastian, Shankara, Sergéant, Marlon, Gideon, Cassiel, Biyuza, Hadley, Mikhaela, Thelonios, Jeohan, Janephie, Keenan, Jheremy, Jerhan, Mouri, Jeehan, Clovis, Morfhie, Zureh, Sean, Jeconiah, Jeremiah, Harsaka, Shuanandika, Nehemiah, Madana, Jelheric, Raphael, Jericson, Southeast, Gibran, Elias, Jade, Jericho, Cathrinel, Gaffa, Wiraatmaja, River, Liu, Dava, Ciel, Ardanu, Wonuya, Gentara, Wanara, Theodore, Lembayung, Reine, Miyano, Marfé, Wilody, Wisnu, Abelion, Zev, Russel, Viscose, Damian, Dikaf, Demioth, Ersya, Hakata, Arthur, Darrel, Selatan, Damian, Albert, Jevior, Jairo, Jake, Dimas, Jerioh, James, Gloriv, Bimasena, Langit, Matthias, Romean, Bryant, Adam, Maffandra, Mingiyu, Miguel, Aresh, Aeight, Milland, Louis, Finch, Ray, Saint, Finnegan, Johannes. And all the gifted roleplayers who breathe life into  𝗦𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡's brilliance. May this comeback be a resounding crescendo of success, reverberating through the annals of history.

With steadfast support, I express my sincerest sentiments.
Wiesesa Zeeshan. 📰

Forward from: Mesin tempur.
On this bright day, Seventeen has released a new song with passionate enthusiasm! The song has the title as "MAESTRO". Let's celebrate Seventeen's comeback with songs that really inspire enthusiasm. 🔥

Also I congratulate on the comeback for Seventeen potrayers: Damian Hendrick (me), Keenan (@JeonghanYoonb), Morfhie (@Morfhies), Wiesesa (@Wonwof), Raphael Wycliffe (@Junhwii), Cathrinel (@Wonwos), Logan (@mingyus), Langit (@miungyu), Morsha (@yMinghao), Damian (@LeeDokyeoom), Matias (@zcoups), Finnegan (@rSeungkwanBoo), Gloriv (@Miangyu), Norman (@kMinghao), Dava (@wonwov), Ardanu (@Wonwoouq), Louis (@myyungho), Jade (@JoshuaHjong), Dimas (@zMingyyu), Darrel (@Seokminn), Jepu (@DokyeeomLee), Johan (@Lautteduh), Matthias (@Mingzyu), Rome (@vmingyu), Hanif (@jjeonghanni), Hazel (@JeoanghanYoon), Nehemiah (@Joshuya), Jeconiah (@sKomedian), David Logan (@ddokyeomi), Bryant (@Minkgoo), Zureh Kiefer (@uJeonghan), Selatan (@Zeokmin), Marlon (@Scouqs), Madana Joe (@Joshuoa), Hakata (@SuperDokyeom), Sean (@Jednghan), Finch (@Minghaho), Gaffa Luegaire (@Wonwmoo), Northeast (@Dokyeoml), Marco (@Scouups), southeast (@hoshl), Aeight Himmory (@Myeeongho), Ersya (@LeeDokyeomx), Adip (@eSeokmine), Amsal Willman (@Scooups), abim (@LeeDokpeom), Wiraatmaja (@Woknwoo), Demioth (@Dokyeow), Mouri Lucienne (@vjeonghan), Wisnu (@bujangsolo), Benjamin Sangaji (@iPersatuan), Jaimee (@Jeonthan), Biyuza (@Jeonghaun), Isaac (@Jeonghaxn), Ocean (@The8b), Raynsford (@Serkmin), Zev (@xWoozi), Nunu (@boopll), Tajev (@Jeongsan), Dylan (@E_laborate), Onish (@floatingv), Victor (@VernonChoei), Airabu (@yJeonghanny), Dewa (@featdin0ch), Viens (@choiseangcheol), Jishua Ayyichi (@hhongjisoo), Niscala (@jodshuahongf), Elias (@vHoshi), Kaisar (@cJoshuaHongg), Dion (@LreDino), James (@yMin9yu), yannes (@goorreumseng), Marif (@MIN9YUIKIM), Maekala (@iYoonJeonghan), James (@KimdMingyu), Nakastra (@MingyuKimL), Joseph (@Padska), Daksa (@lDraken), Mikhaela (@Jeonhhan), Sam (@ceoups), abian (@wonuuoo), Bimasena (@mimgyuk), Januar (@JoshuaHonbg), Reinan (@Junhuiwet), Fayana (@flovwery), River (@Seeokmin) Moon Hanny (@eiyoonjeonghan), Julian (@Juoshuaa), Junan (@Junehuyi), Martino (@tampqan), Malik (@Histoologi), Jehian (@Proklarmasi), Glairzier (@ajeonghn), Clyde (@Artistitc), Gaverion (@Mingmyu), Calvin (@iswonu), Elijah (@xumingihao_o), Jeremiah (@Jeonhgan), Vincent (@chwehansox), Jheremy (@JeognhanYoon), Zachary (@Vernonhn), Malik (@Junehuic), Hadley (@Jeoinghan), River (@Womnwoo), Sergéant (@Cuheol), Galuhpati (@mi9yukm), Abiel (@F1Wonwoo), Mahesa (@leteseokmin), Jian (@Jeongdhan), Bimasena (@Mimgyuk), Marfé (@nWonwoo), walter dashiell (@wonswo), Hardikta (@ChoiSeuhngcheol), Valeryan (@chwevaline), Joshua (@joioshua), Hadson (@padukaG), Heksa (@leedxkyeom), Albert Hansforth (@CarrlosSainz), Jeiro Vauxhaill (@Jefnghan), Sergio (@scoxups), Nehemiah (@Joshuya), Gideon (@bhoId), Abryan Bromeo (@mjngoo), Ray Sanders (@Minghano), Jade Sievert (@aHoranghae).

Forward from: A Hurrah Of The Dolors

    ⁅  Walkabouts are passed victoriously,
but centerpieces firmly stand on the line
            to be mastered.
        “Can't you see it's all
          swayed majestically?” ⁆

Each stanza serened, the depth that resonates with all, it's their mastery, their divinity in the realm of euphonious. We groove on the upshots and are full of wonderment: What A Savoir-Faire.

Nonce—Day and Age, “MAESTRO”, they domineer farther finesse and it condigns a grand gratification. It is Homeric and ostentatious to relish your virtuosic, which was orchestrated meticulously through the vicissitude of trailblazing endeavor. Anything that energizes them to sleuth a perfection, it may be beyond flamboyant—and they do embolden us with their unsurpassed hardihood in embarking the labyrinth of stratagem. The Firmament accolades you to be on the ride, still, to adhere another odyssey. And you'll be fortressed by The Henchmen: I, Zureh Kiefer, and my gents, Northeast Mesh, Johannes Eloise, Cathrinel, Southeast Iñigo, Julien Lou, Isaac Wallace, Cassiel Kennedy, Marlon Harrington, Hakata, Gaffa Luegaire, Sergéant, Jeremiah, Mikhaela, Sabeigh, Wiesesa Zeeshan, Albert Hansforth, Hadson Miguel, Wanara Hazzelrie, Damian Hendrick, Demioth, Wiraatmaja, Thelonios, Elang, Ealdrith, Jevior, Miguel, Dimas Aringga, James, Mahardika Abim, Gloriv Monrtell, Aeight Himmory, Harvaz, Archer Hawksley, Jerioh, Abimanyu, Adam, Heksa, Gaverion, Ersya, Gentara, Ardanu, Ciel Loverie, Gideon, Abay, Narkobar, Calvin, Samuel, Kaisar, Theodore Lionel, Sunan, Walter, Langit Courthlace, Jian, Pradipta, Seraphim, Jelheric, Jairo Daeganders, Gibran, Wonuya Jeonarga, Jake, Dikaf Reazkha, Raphael Wycliffe, Janephie, Nathan, Keenan, Jeehan, Bimasena, Reine, Harsaka, Milland, Sebastian, Demetrio, Maffandra, Shuanandika, Miyano Onumi, Kimu Mingiyu, Haines, Shankara, Wisnu, Wilody, Jericho, Lovell, Erdian, Ananta, Jeiro, Gemini Stafforde, Maekala, Jeohanie, Harys, Jheremy, Greggory, Viscose Courthlace, Finch Halsted, Matias, and Diaz Luis.

Grand the day heartfeltly, without a reverie of contending this as an Eschew. Limn and being a cornerstone as they keep making headway. Fire a Woo-Hoo, džentlmen! 🗣

Grace and peace,

Forward from: eunbin bubble 💬💭😊❤️‍🔥
the protracted anticipation that has incessantly been eagerly awaited by everyone afforded the opportunity to commemorate this remarkable day, with fervent and ardent toil, enkindling the spirits of those who have been in a state of expectancy. seventeen's enjoyable wellspring of inspiration has rekindled with zeal on this occasion. 'MAESTRO' has been unveiled, signifying the release of SEVENTEEN BEST ALBUM '17 IS RIGHT HERE' the eagerly-anticipated moment has finally arrived! seventeen has returned with a resurgence that assures nothing less than a truly remarkable spectacle. this isn't merely about music; it signifies a reunion of spirits, a commemoration of artistic prowess, and a testament to the profound connection between these remarkable artisans and their dedicated aficionados. from the very beginning, seventeen has exerted a profound impact on our lives with their music, their resolute dedication, and their boundless innovation. with each resurgence, they accompany us on a compelling journey through their evolution, their passion, and their perpetually evolving artistic excellence. this reawakening heralds yet another electrifying chapter in their narrative, and we are truly fortunate to be an integral part of it. the melodies, the harmonies, the choreography - every element of seventeen's return is a masterpiece in the process of creation. it encapsulates a fusion of emotions, dreams, and artistry that is certain to etch a lasting impression on our spirits. their music possesses a proclivity to ignite our creativity, uplift our souls, and establish a sense of unity among enthusiasts from every corner of the world. concentrating on the enthusiasms relating to motivations from each respective completed the world who require to upon bequeath immeasurable exhilaration, with the aim of enlivening unfluctuating seventeen's foreseeable comeback, and conclusively appropriating a congratulations on your comeback for those who fill worked hard and the souls who yield seventeen a unchanging encouragement, wishfully this accomplishment determination farthermost in the remaining or in the subsequent time! special for: my troops!

with all the love and excitement in my heart, shades of iñigo in acacia! ❤️🐯

Forward from: Wonwoo Jeon

“praise for the star..”
──── 🃜

SEVENTEEN ‘Maestro’ ✶ —whose symphonic performance of “Maestro” paints the ether with deep shadows furthermore sharp melodies. Therefore, we lift our voices in joyful praise, grateful for the journey they chronicled and the spirit they instilled. With fascinating concept of them along with exclusive teasers you guys have already seen before forthwith.

⋇ Let me mention you of friends who have supported them in all aspects both when promoting and other things who related to SEVENTEEN:

Abiel Gideon, Amsal Willman, Ansell Meirion, Galen Sanders, Sebastian D'Balisius., Sergéant Lawlidge, Shankara V'Abhiseva, Hadley Luevine, Han Jian, Isaac Wallace, Jaimee C. Kennedy, Jeehan Eduardo, Jeohan, Jheremy Eckhart M., Mirea Janephie, Mouri Lucienne, Seraphim Cadfael, Thelonios Meinhard, Kaisar Sadewa, Harsaka, Shuanandika Sangkara, Jelheric Curteens, Raphael Wycliffe, Bimantara Gibran A., Harvaz Tigheronz, Jade Sievert, Southeast Iñigo, Catherinel Layll, Wiesesa Zeeshan, Gaffa Luegaire, Dava K. Laguna, Wiraatmaja Lawlidge, Emerson Liu, Abelion Judith, Ardanu R. Bintang, Calvin, Dhara Bhumi, Gentara H. Beranarki, Marfé, Miyano Onumi, Nathanial Elsher, Shaka Hadyan, Theodore Lionel, Walter Dashiell, Wanara Hazzelrie, Wilody Mooneth, Wonuya Jeonarga, Zev Wranvyre, Ersya Vaanee, Damian Drichfeld, Demioth M. Ferdinand, Dikaf Reazkha, Hakata Dee, Mahesa Prawijaya, Northeast Mesh, Pradipta Arkatama, Raynsford Huldreich, Gloriv Monrtell, Langit Courthlace, Abryan Bromeo, Adam Hawthrone, Albert Hansforth, Bimasena, Demetrio, Gaverion McRaider, Gonzargas Narkobar, Hadson Miguel, Jairo Daeganders, Jake Ruthven, James V. Doughf, Jerioh Jaredanth, Jevior, Kimu Mingiyu, Logan Oeí, Maffandra Malik, Miguel Dosfrith, Miguel D'Sebanon, Samuel Rodriguez, Sunan Maheswara, Aeight Himmory, Milland Roosevelt, Lovell Demeter and I, River Fordehunt.

Congratulations! The song they spend attracts attention. Starting from the song and also the music video. I hope to be able to win in this song:

I exp
ress my deepest thanks to everyone who has participated in this latest SEVENTEEN revival. Hopefully this comeback will be prosperous and successful, achieving many victories and abundant support from all of them fans.

ㅤsincerely, your faithful and humble acquaintance, River Fordehunt.

Forward from: Jaimee.
Ostentatious rendering that decree be prosperous in seducing the scrutiny of the sphere just to that peculiar crepuscule’s matinee.

The squeak that blasts from utmost fiddle that is convinced with an intimacy. Utmost verselet that cannot be forecast alludes to a missive that cannot be fathomed by the sphere. This is veracious for utmost mortal. Utmost urban of the sphere is partaking in an burgeoning in the altitude of scientific sophistication, which is causing the world to experience unintended catastrophe.

Classical music, on the other hand, which is rich in history and dreams, will finally lead the world back to the periods that it has longed for.


Maffandra @MingyuKdimm, Sebastian @scoupo, Harsaka @ijoshuahng, Milland @ndominants, Jeehan Eduardo @JeoynghanYoon, Dominic G @Misterf, Hansa Jeanaloka @ftYoonJeonghan, Sunan @mingruel, Theodore Lionel @wowoon, Mahesa @leteseokmin, Malik Ryzard @KimMinkgyu, Gentara @isunegaara, Ealdrith @Mingyvr, Abimanyu @vhansoll, Nathanial @wonwwoojeon, Miguel @lMingyuf, Damian Hendrick @jDokyeom, Alfa @Hansaol, Hardikta @ChoiSeuhngcheol, Sergéant @Cuheol, Abian @wonuuoo, Walter @wonswo, Bentley Weston @jeondwonwoo, Ocean @The8b, Ricther @Mkngyu, Arselio @bSeungkwn, Mahen @qciwonwoo, Jagis @JoshuaHodg, Ardanu @wonwoouq, Damian @DokyeomLue, Rahesa @KingArthurd, Jehian @Proklarmasi, Jerhan Gamastiar @jeongzhan, Sehan D'Etherdeft @Kkvuma, Morgan @Hgorn, San Jerrent @Jezongguk, Dikta @Anatrki, Harvaz @kwpnhoshi, Jerioh @MingayuKim, Samuel @KimMicgyu, Jeohanie @gPanick, Gideon @bhoId, Gemio @iJjeonWonwoo, Thelonios Meinhard @Jeonghatn, Benrickus @handjvob, Josbornd @Muodar, Matias Easton @zcoups, Henggi @hhoshyi, Lysendra @mingeyo, Jelheric @Jundhui, Jake @Fireehouse, Abay @mjngoo, Demetrio @wMAY0R, Jelodie @geombul, Owen Hartley @Creehp, Marvelo @yMingyut, Samudra J @exescoups, Marcello @KhmMingyu, Hadson Miguel @PadukaG, Janephie @jeonghanb, Jeiro Vauxhaill @Jefnghan, Raphael Wycliffe @Junhwii, Elias @vHoshi, Edgar @SeungcholB, Jericson @Junhua, Jian @Jeongdhan, Shiho @Seunggkwan, Wanara Hazzelrie @JeonWonnwoo, Jade Sievert @aHoranghae, Jainendra @tikuusruk, Albert Hansforth @Mingooy, Shaka @Woenyu, Amsal Willman @Scooups, Hadley @Jeoinghan, Johan @dihkey, Langit Courthlace @miungyu, Lovell @Seungkwans, Aeight Himmory @Myeeongho, Gaffa @Wonwmoo, Wiesesa Zeeshan @Wonwof, Hakata @SuperDokyeom, Cathrinel @Wonwos, Ciel Loverie @Womwou, Raynsford @Serkmin, Helio @SoonyoungKs, Wilson @Wonw0os, Jevior @Mwngyu, Hosea @KwonSoinyoung, Harrisōn @zjeonghanie, Wilody Mooneth @Wyonwoo, Keenandya @GzoMinsi, Hanggi @Dyoonjhan, Adam @mincgyu, Kimu Mingiyu @hi_mingyu, Seraphim @jheongvhan, Niscala @jodshuahongf, James @KimdMingyu, Lembayung @poelik, Yoriko @yorikow, Lionel Kendrick @Jeonqhant, Calvin @iswonu, Jeohan @jeonghancoon, Malik @Histoologi, Kaisar @cJoshuaHongg, Tajev @Jeongsan, Ersya @LeeDokyeomx, Segara Alam @epnulis, Yannes @goorreumseng, Sadjiwa Kawiswara @wonwoc, Abelion @JeonWonwooH, Jericho @Ldnmarke, Galuhpati @mi9yukm, Demioth @Dokyeow, Richie @bejads, Marfé @nWonwoo, Biyuza Raeyzu @Jeonghaun, Dikaf @LeeeDokyeom, Juliandra @maoushama, Gibran @starue, Miyano Onumi @WonwooB, southeast iñigo @hoshl, Isaac Wallace @Jeonghaxn, Jazreel @KhmMingyus, Ethan @dselirhati, Gaverion @Mingmyu, Jeremiah @Jeonhgan, Leonardo @myunggho, Awang @Aktpol, Joshua @joioshua, Wonuya @aeveryonewoo, Jairo @jichangwoox, Bimasena @Mimgyuk, Mikhaela @Jeonhhan, Zureh Kiefer @uJeonghan, Viscose Courthlace @WoziLee, Jethero @Dominhnt, Erdian @Jeonghai, Shankara @ScoupsH, River @mwonwoo, Julien Lou @enbby, Jheremy Eckhart @JeognhanYoon, Shua @Availcble, Ellison @XuMinghlo, Aresh @areshuffle

We are delighted to have you back, and we wish you the very best of luck in creating each and every one of those incredible masterpieces.

From me, Jaimee. a warm welcome I send, Seventeen returns with a song that stirs and bends. Their music and talent, unmatched they stand, Always touching our hearts, never to bland.

Forward from: #1 sarkasm person.
[ⓘ] ──── 💎 Seventeen's comeback with the album SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) BEST ALBUM '17 IS RIGHT HERE' 💎 They are back, with a new concept. Seventeen is back with MAESTRO, this comeback will be liked a lot by Carat, We acknowledge Seventeen and Staff who have passionately work in this comeback, thank for the fans who have──enthusiastically waiting for their comeback, please continue support them and stream MAESTRO! 💽 ❦︎. They've done the hard work & show the best performance! They deserve a lot love & stream for their comeback. Thank you to people who have put effort and support 17. We will be happy together, this comeback is sumptuousness ! Textual chronicle communicates a profound linkage transcending mere corporeal, venturing into spheres of emotional profundity and spiritual reverberation. Poignant disparity beckons rumination on dichotomy of metropolitan existence──tranquility discovered in unlikely cohorts and profound isolation cohabitate within swarming metropolis. 𓆸 with all warm-hearted i would like to enumerate──who participate in this admired comeback 🖋✩ :

Albert Hansforth, Tajev, Miyano Onumi, Marcel, Marvelo, Hadson, Miguel, Jamephie, Jevior, Abay, James, Jelodie, Jian, Niscala, Jaziel, Owen, Jainendra, Jelheric, Demetrio, Shuanandika, Kimu Mingiyu, Segara Alam, Amsal Willman, Bimasena, Joash, Austin, Wilody, Dikaf, Gaverion, Adam, Jeremiah, Jairo, Harrison, Gideon, Gibran, Haniel, Jeohanie, Kaisar, Juliandra, Jerioh, Samuel, Jericho, San Jerrent, Morgan, Wonuya Jeonarga, Rahesa Mahardhika, Demioth, Glairzier, Jeiro Vauxhaill, Lysendra, Adhikari, Sadjiwa, Aksa, Richie, Aeight Himmory, Viggo, Sergio, Harvaz, Yannes, Wanara Hazzelrie, Ardanu, Wiesesa Zeeshan, Raphael, Gaffa, Madha, Edgar, Mikhaela, Mahen, Ricther, Joshua, Hanggi, Valwryan, Fajar, Southeast Iñigo, Mahesa, Gabri, Marfé, Walter, Hardikta, Sergéant, Miguel, Raynsford, Nathanial, Abimanyu, Vasco Boulevard, Junan, Calvin, Sunan, Theodore Lionel, Brenna, Seraphim, Sebanon, Ellison, Ersya, Jeehan, Eduardo, Jericson, Abelion, Harsaka, Milland, Maffandra, Gentara, Shankara, Mouri, Harmonia, Viscose Courthlace.

Forward from: 17 IS RIGHT HERE ⋆
╼╼╾╾  · · ·   Marks Seventeen's triumphant return, showcasing their evolution as artists while staying true to their signature sound.  | 17 IS RIGHT HERE〔 ✪ 〕

With this album, Seventeen reaffirms their position as one of the most innovative and influential groups in the K-pop industry. From the infectious beats of the title track to the heartfelt ballads that tug at the heartstrings, each song on the album is a testament to Seventeen's versatility and musical prowess. Fans are treated to a kaleidoscope of emotions as they journey through the tracks, experiencing the highs and lows alongside the members.

                  ┃What sets this comeback
                  ┃apart is its ability to capture
                  ┃the essence of youth and

ㅤㅤ⟣꯭⟣  Through their music, Seventeen invites listeners to embrace their individuality and celebrate the bonds that unite them. The album serves as a reminder that no matter the challenges they face, Seventeen and their fans are always connected, with their shared love for music bridging any distance. As they continue to captivate audiences worldwide, Seventeen proves that their comeback isn't just about reclaiming the spotlight—it's about reaffirming their presence in the hearts of fans everywhere.
ㅤㅤㅤHappy comeback to SEVENTEEN
ㅤㅤㅤand also SVT rp-ers, especially

ㅤㅤㅤME and others that exist (name list).

Forward from: Serenity Sessions.

ⓘ .. ╱ Like workers who faithfully carry out their routine at the office, SEVENTEEN IS BACK! with tireless persistence reminding of the passion and dedication they instill in every step they take and the inspiration that flows in their every note and movement, ready to occupy the stage and the hearts of the audience with their refreshing and courageous presence! 📂

        ”Congratulations for SEVENTEEN's COMEBACK, they're comeback with a amazing themes and will be back with their new era's! new masterpiece has been added on the seventeen album list, MAESTRO's will be remembered always.”

On this 29th of APRIL seventeen once again released they're masterpiece album, with the new tittle track: MAESTRO! 🪄♡ This comeback will be another succesful comeback on their journey and please support them with all of your love, Carats. Don't forget to stream the teaser and the M/V:



    ▸ M/V:

Let's successing the comeback together, congratulations for seventeen comebacks and every seventeen portrayals especially for my best buddy: Isaac ( me ), Marlon, Haines, Harley, Zureh, Jaimee, Julien, Haines, Harley, Jeremiah, Biyuza, Mikhaela, Thelonios, Jheremy, Maekala, Erdian, Keenan, Gemini, Harys, Elang, Lamine, Theodore, Norman, Albert, Ealdrith.

And another seventeen's portrayals: Amsal, Galen, Matias, Edgar, Samudra, Gideon, Jian, Jeohan, Hadley, Jeehan, Janephie, Fajar, Hanggi, Madana, Niscala, Kaisar, Gibran, Jericson, Raphael, Jelheric, Tiger, Southeast, Elias, Jade, Harvaz, Jericho, Gaffa, Marfé, Wanara, Ardanu, Wiesesa Wiraatmaja, Cathrinel, River, Shaka, Gentara, Wilody, Miyano, Kireine, Sadjiwa, Jelodie, Segara, Nafian, Viscose, Ellison, Aeight, Aresh, Ethan, Adam, Gavin, Galuhpati, Bryant, Ersya, Hadson, Langit, Matthieu, Bimasena, Jainendra, Marcello, Gusti, Jevior, James, Marvelo, Demetrio, Jake, Abay, Kimu, Lysendra, Josbornd, Gaverion, Jairo, Jerioh, Jerrent, Morgan, Ritcher, Northeast, Damian, Dikaf, Hakata, Shiho, Saint, Ansel, Lovell, Lembayung, Victor.

Such honor to celebrate this comeback with you guys, don't forget to stream and let's successing this comeback, thank you.

Forward from: 1996;J.WW,17


29th April 2024, the day of the comeback from a group called SEVENTEEN with their new song that going to be blast around the world, 'MAESTRO' that now officially out.

Congratulations for SEVENTEEN for the comeback that everyone has been waiting until today. Let's celebrating this moment and support SEVENTEEN and granting the celebration especially with all SEVENTEEN portrayers;

Wanara Hazzelrie (me), Abima (@choi95s), Samudra J. (@exescoups), Saddam Malik (@dangerouszman), Matias (@zcoups), Chelosyver (@srcoups), Gideon (@bhoId), Amsal William (@Scooups), Hardikta (@ChoiSeuhngcheol), Sergeant (@Cuheol), Sebastian (@scoupo), Shankara (@ScoupsH), Jehian (@Proklarmasi), Keenan (@sickeenan), Jeohanie yoon (@gPanick), Janephie (@jeonghanb), Fajar Adipta (@iJeonghand), Thelonios (@Jeonghatn), Jeiro vauxhaill (@jefnghan), Isaac Wallace (@Jeonghaxn), Lionel Kendrick (@Jeonqhant), Jaimee (@Jeonthan), Hadley (@Jeoinghan), Jian (@jeongdhan), Mikhaela (@Jeonhhan), Hanggi (@Dyoonjhan), Tajev (@Jeongsan), Zureh Kiefer (@uJeonghan), Seraphim (@jheongvhan), Mouri (@vjeonghan), Julian Katamandra (@Juoshuaa), Shuanandika (@Availcble), Jeremiah (@Jeonhgan), Kaisar (@cJoshuaHongg), Jishua Ayyichi (@hhongjisoo), Jaziel (@Joushuaz), Niscala (@jodshuahongf ), Gibran (@starue), Harsaka (@ijoshuahng), Jericson (@Junhua), Jeo (@jjunhuimon), Jelheric (@Jundhui), Raphael Whycliffe (@Junhwii), Viggo (@iJunhui_s), Southeast Iñigo (@Hoshl), Harvaz (@kwpnhoshi), Jericho D'Caesar (@Ldnmarke), Doshini (@soonyouugn), Hubert (@Sosoonyoung), Jade Sievert (@aHoranghae), Walter Dashiell (@wonswo), Anderson Jewon (@qwoositive), Wonuya (@aeveryonewoo), Asahi (@gzominsi), Kireina Jiera (@PacarJaredd), Gaffa Lue (@Wonwmoo), Nathanial (@WonwwooJeon), Lembayung (@poelik), Sadjiwa Kawiswara (@wonwoc), Jelodie (@geombul), Wisnu (@everyonenuno), Marfé (@nWonwoo), Wiesesa Zeeshan (@Wonwof), Wilody (@Wyonwoo), Miyano Onumi (@WonwooB), Abelion (@JeonWonwooH), Segara Alam (@epnulis), Shaka (@Woenyu), Ardanu (@Wonwoouq), Calvin (@iswonu), Theodore Lionel (@wowoon), Abian (@wonuuoo), Zev Wrenvyre (@xWoozi), Viscose Courthlace (@WoziLee), Raels (@eisca), Milland (@ndominants), Aeight Himmory (@Myeeongho), Lian (@maoushama), Ellison (@XuMinghlo), Albert (@Mingooy), Jerioh (@MingayuKim), Bimasena (@Mimgyuk), Aksa (@ordbastard), Jevior (@mwngyu), Barelvi (@Mingyuisvt), Kimu Mingyu (@hi_mingyu), Deme (@wMAY0R), Jainendra (@tikuusruk), Galuhpati (@mi9yukm), Jairo (@jichangwoox), Gaverion (@Mingmyu), Abay (@mjngoo), Hadson Miguel (@PadukaG), Tama (@KimMingyf), Abian (@mingeyo), Marcel (@KhmMingyu), Jake (@Fireehouse), Bryant Winchester (@Minkgoo), Richie (@bejads), Josbornd (@Muodar), Jeden (@spermaM), Gusti (@KimMingyue), Adam (@mincgyu), Narkobar (@iBajinganKecil), Jerrent (@Jezongguk), James (@KimdMingyu), Langit Courtlace (@miungyu), Marvelo (@yMingyut), Owen Hartley (@creehp), Morgan (@Hgorn), Ricther (@Mkngyu), Garcio (@KMlNGYUE), Miguel (@lMingyuf), Malik (@Histoologi), Sunan (@mingruel), Samuel (@KimMicgyu), Miguel Sebanon (@Berunang), Maffandra (@MingyuKdimm), Mahesa (@leteseokmin), Johan (@dihkey), Sava Norrel (@jleeseokminn), Mahardika Abima (@LeeDokpeom), Adip (@eSeokmine), Hakata (@SuperDokyeom), Selatan (@zeokmin), Damian (@DokyeomLue), Demioth (@Dokyeow), Ersya (@LeeDokyeomx), Jose (@dokmyeom), Damian Hendrick (@ikyeom), Raynsford (@Serkmin), Dikaf (@LeeeDokyeom), Northern (@Dokyeoml), Shiho (@Seunggkwan), Lovell (@Seungkwans), Vasco (@Hansolb), Victor (@VernonChoei), Abimanyu (@vhansoll), Sabiel (@Dinolei), Dion (@LreDino), Nathan (@dainose)

And ofcourse to the others of SEVENTEEN portrayers.

Forward from: Chronicles Of Serendipity.

Extending profound felicitations to the extraordinary SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) on their much-anticipated resurgence with the illustrious BEST ALBUM '17 IS RIGHT HERE' aptly named 'MAESTRO'! This juncture not only heralds a return but stands as a testament to steadfast commitment, ingenuity, and musical virtuosity. Your melodious harmonies and electrifying renditions have captivated enthusiasts worldwide, fostering a connection that transcends geographical and linguistic confines.

Extend my heartfelt felicitations to my esteemed companions who partake in this modest revelry, imbued with affection; Gaffa Luegaire (Me) With SEVENTEEN's POTRAYERS eagerly await the comeback, filled with excitement and anticipation.

As you embark upon this fresh epoch, may it be imbued with inexhaustible wellsprings of inspiration, indelible reminiscences, and unparalleled triumphs. Here's to SEVENTEEN, the veritable savants of the stage, perpetuating to illuminate the cosmos with their matchless flair and charm! 🎶

Forward from: 세븐틴.
    🎶 MAESTRO, the quintessential conductor of the symphony of life, orchestrating a harmonious blend of melody and rhythm, guiding each note with precision and passion. With baton in hand, they weave intricate tapestries of sound, drawing forth emotions that resonate deeply within the soul. Every crescendo and diminuendo, every swell and pause, is crafted with a maestro's touch, sculpting the very essence of music into a masterpiece that transcends time and space. Through their leadership, musicians find unity, audiences find solace, and the world finds beauty in the symphonic journey orchestrated by the unparalleled skill and artistry of the maestro. ☆★

────── [..] 🎬 The Precious Star Has Come! Welcoming the work for the hard preparation and long wait with all the struggles of great minds. RELEASED: Seventeen Best Album "17 IS RIGHT HERE" in 29th April, with the title track "MAESTRO.” As a form of success from a dark residence in a dark alley of World. ✶

    🎵 A soul that encompasses a great human being in the face of frightening world globalization, sent by a natural warrior who brings happiness to the world for all the hard work in the form of sweat, time and sacrifices reaped in the world through great works designed by the precious group. Without the slightest light being conquered in a dark alley that invites many people during performances and the release of unpredictable results by the world community and all views and mindsets of those who are unfortunate. ⓘ

For the entire SEVENTEEN portrayers, congratulations on your comeback! Let's successing this comeback together and let's support SEVENTEEN until the end. Don't forget to stream the M/V.

🪄 Listen and take the opportunity to take your time and don't waste it so you don't miss a beat! Enjoy the gap in harmony and instrumental melody, feel it throughout your body and deep within your mind and heart. Happy comeback guys!

Best regards, Albert Hansforth. ✮

ㅤ ⬪˙ The clamor of the hullabaloo blazon of vehicles filled the entire arterial. The paroxysms of pellucidly fiery car headlights dazzled straight ahead without a manacle, waiting for the pieces of clergy that marked the start of a match to be dropped, as a sign that the match had started and the gas had to be stepped on immediately. Gliding full precipitousness, going straight without bends. In the flare that explosions through the air without a hitch, I congratulate Treasure on their comeback with the truly amazing song 'MAESTRO'.

⬪˙ Therefore, I congratulate for SEVENTEEN and all SEVENTEEN portrayers especially :
Abay, Abian, Aileèn, Albert Bimasena, Bintang, Calvin, Cathrinel, Danish, Demetrio, Demioth, Edgarth, Ersya, Gaffa, Gaverion, Gentara, Harsaka, Isaac, Jaimee, James, Janephie, Jerhan, Jevior, Kaisar, Keenan, Lysendra, Maffandra, Malik, Miguel, Milland, Miyano, Moon Hanny, Narkobar, Northeast, Owen, Raynsford, Reine, River, Samuel, Sebastian, Shankara, Shuanandika, Southeast, Sunan, Wallace, Walter, Wanara, Wiesesa, Zureh.

⬪˙ Let's give them a lots of our love and Don't forget to stream Maestro's MV ( ) on Youtube, pal. Have a pleasant day!

With love, Ardanu

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