Hi all,
You know there are a lot of scammers out there posing as my channel.
Well Telegram has new features. One of them is called “Boost”. Each time a follower uses this link to “Boost” my channel, I gain “points” so that I can customize my channel and gain other features that you all can benefit from. Some of the things I can do with this new feature is gift my followers a free premium subscription, host giveaways and more!
This boost feature was offered to me and other channels with large followings. It’s a cool feature because there are so many fake channels out there trying to scam. With the boost, I will also be able to customize my channel which will let you differentiate my page from a fake page.
Click here:
Much love, JM(Admin) ❤️
You know there are a lot of scammers out there posing as my channel.
Well Telegram has new features. One of them is called “Boost”. Each time a follower uses this link to “Boost” my channel, I gain “points” so that I can customize my channel and gain other features that you all can benefit from. Some of the things I can do with this new feature is gift my followers a free premium subscription, host giveaways and more!
This boost feature was offered to me and other channels with large followings. It’s a cool feature because there are so many fake channels out there trying to scam. With the boost, I will also be able to customize my channel which will let you differentiate my page from a fake page.
Click here:
Much love, JM(Admin) ❤️