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KyberSwap STIP Update
The referral rewards are about to be sent to all eligible referrers and referees!
A total of 37,343 $ARB will be distributed to 449 users.
On top of the initial Referral Rewards, we will distribute the remaining 7,657 $ARB (leftover) equally as follows:
🔷Top 100 Trading Campaign Wallets by points: 70% (~53.59 $ARB per wallet)
🔷Top 20 Limit-Order Campaign Wallets by points: 20% (~76.56 $ARB per wallet)
🔷Top 21 Referral Campaign Wallets by points: 10% (~36.46 $ARB per wallet)
The tokens will be airdropped automatically, and no further action is required from users.
The referral rewards are about to be sent to all eligible referrers and referees!
A total of 37,343 $ARB will be distributed to 449 users.
On top of the initial Referral Rewards, we will distribute the remaining 7,657 $ARB (leftover) equally as follows:
🔷Top 100 Trading Campaign Wallets by points: 70% (~53.59 $ARB per wallet)
🔷Top 20 Limit-Order Campaign Wallets by points: 20% (~76.56 $ARB per wallet)
🔷Top 21 Referral Campaign Wallets by points: 10% (~36.46 $ARB per wallet)
The tokens will be airdropped automatically, and no further action is required from users.